Magazín Matileo 2021-2

Utiliza este menú para navegar por cada una de las jornadas de Matileo 2021-2. 

Interconexión con el mundo globalizado


Las jornadas académicas de Matileo se cierran con la participación del Departamento de Idiomas. Durante el día, los futuros icesistas realizarán actividades para acceder a información, en inglés, alrededor de un mismo tema: cómo se enfrentan algunas personas a distintas situaciones cuando las viven por primera vez, en especial cuando son momentos incómodos o divertidos. Al concluir, crearán productos escritos y audiovisuales. Lógicamente, haciendo uso de contenidos, vocabulario, frases y ejemplos que conocieron en las primeras horas de la jornada.  

Alrededor de dichas actividades, se espera que los participantes comprendan que importancia de estudiar inglés va más allá de una razón instrumental para la vida laboral. Aprender inglés permite interactuar, conocer, interconectarse en un mundo globalizado en el que este idioma se ha constituido en una lengua franca. Sólo para mencionar un ejemplo, hoy en día, es posible contactar personas de cualquier parte del mundo por medio de las redes sociales, y saber inglés facilita la comunicación con ellos, el intercambio de experiencias y la consecución de amistades. Aprender inglés debe ser una oportunidad para conectarse en la sociedad actual en la que se cuenta con un sinnúmero de oportunidades académicas, de intercambio cultural y de desarrollo profesional. 

Para lograr lo anterior, las actividades preparadas incluyen juegos que permitirán comprender los distintos textos en inglés, y producir presentaciones que generen un impacto emocional en sus compañeros de Matileo. De esta forma, el equipo de profesores, monitores y coordinadores buscan que los participantes expresen y creen vínculos emocionales con sus compañeros por medio de interacciones en inglés.  

Expectativas de los Estudiantes


Mixed emotions 

Students stated they feel happy, excited and nervous to start this stage, all at the same time. They are a bit scared about the academic pressure and the previous knowledge they must have in order to begin their courses. Some of them stated they were curious about having virtual classes because of their previous experience at school. Most of them talked about how they were excited to be provided with new opportunities to be competitive in their working field. They would also like to make contributions to the world in the future, being involved on important issues as well as science and technology development. Similarly, some of them expect to be positively surprised by the upcoming events of starting this stage of their lives. Most of them are aware of the importance of English to access different opportunities related to their professional life. 

Lisbeth Muñoz 

Maria Luisa Cardona Luna 

Chontaduros Icesistas 

Facing the emotions that come with new challenges 

Entering the University for the first time is an experience that new students will never be able to forget, since they face different situations where they grow as a person and, in many cases, it changes the way they see the world. First of all, we have students who are not from Cali, so it is difficult for them to go from living with their family to living by themselves, with friends, or with extended family. Secondly, we have students who will continue to live with their families whether they are from Cali or any other city. In either case, it is a situation that generates a feeling of independence and personal growth, in which several students feel afraid to take the first step towards adulthood. 

In the same way, there are other emotions, both good and bad. On the positive side, some students are excited to learn, meet new people, and experience new sensations. On the negative side, there is anxiety and fear of not knowing how to face the new challenges, such as the change of study modality, living alone, making friends, or taking on great responsibility. However, despite the different emotions that new students feel, they all have one thing in common: meeting their goals. 

Johan Sebastián Valencia Díaz 


Team Buenas Buenas 

Expectations and experiences 

Students shared that they expected the university to be a space in which they could expand their knowledge in the topics they were interested in. They also expressed their interest in living new and enrichening experiences, as they considered this to be the start of a new chapter of their lives and the wished to make the most of it. Moreover, they insisted on their hopes of finding new people and creating bonds and friendship throughout their path, a wish that they were already fulfilling by participating actively in Matileo and meeting other students. Regarding English, the students were looking for ways to improve and learn, recognizing in Matileo an opportunity to do so, and stating that the activities were interesting and helped them practice and get the nervousness out of their system.    

Lesly Angel 


Los Polombianitos 

Meeting new friends the basis for learning 

On one hand, students shared their expectations for this new semester and begining at the university. They felt nervous but excited for this time in their lives. Some of them are kind of sad for not being in campus, but also happy for the opportunities to go as the last day of Matileo. On the other hand, they are expecting to meet new people, make friends, meet some teachers, and fall in love with the university and their majors. Most of them talked about how important is to learn and improve their English because they want to have exchange experiences or take a masters’ degree verseas But not everything was so good, one person told us he is afraid because he thinks the university is going to be complicated, but he knows he has a lot of tools as CAMBAS, EL Center and Centro Leo. There are too many emotions for the new beginning  

Maria Paula Riaño 

Las luciérnagas or fireflies 

From common first experiences to social situations. 

Students expressed different kinds of situations like attending the wrong class or arriving so late that everyone in the room noticed it. Moreover, bullying moments that they experienced at school that could happen in college, such as someone recording you without your permission while you are doing something embarrassing. Besides, situations according to our current social situation, have a lot of strikes that stop classes or don't let you arrive on time. 

-Michelle Caballero (Olga's Manosalva group) 



Expectativas Estudiantiles

The Backyardigans  

A new stage in life, a new adventure for the back yard friends!  

Students talked about their expectations for this new semester and all the challenges it involves. Most of them expressed their happiness for being in the university and walk through the campus, they really want to use the sports center and cultural places. In addition to that, students are excited about meeting people, they want to make new friends, but they are aware of all the things they must and mustn’t do at the university due to COVID- 19. On the other hand, in academic terms, students are a bit scared about the way classes are going to be and the effort they will have to make. However, as well one of them said: “I hope to have fun, enjoy this process and learn a lot.” In conclusion, The Backyardigans are mostly excited about the process they will have during their major and the challenges they will have to face, but they are feeling safe thanks to the support of the three centers of Icesi.  

Ana María Arboleda García  

Group 7

Students are reeeeeeally quiet but when they talk they all agree that it will be very exciting to start this new chapter, they know it will be different from school, and they all hope to make some long lasting friends.  

They also know that some “freshmen pranks” will happen, and that they will be sent to other classrooms as part of a funny moment, and that they will be really lost in campus, but they said they would look for the E.L. Center so they don´t feel lost at all. 

New beginnings and new experiences 

On one hand, one of the expectations during their first semester given that joining university can be life changing for a future student. As a matter of fact some of the members of this group are out-of-towners which implies moving out from their hometown and starting a new life. And that is why it was common to hear them express how excited they were about getting to meet new people that could become their friends. Also, getting to know different types of places that Cali has to offer for those who have never visited, or that simply want to discover brand new spots to hang out and have fun. 

On the other hand, learning lots about their disciplinary courses and growing professionally through them was one expectation of big importance for these students. After all this first semester is just the “first step to be something more, to be someone better” as one of them said. Over all they are excited and curious about what Icesi has to offer and how it will impact their lives positively. 

Felipe Marín (Monitor apoyo E.L. Center) 

Daniela Cortéz (Monitora Madrina) 

Los changua haters  

Our first encounter with English at the university 

Throughout the whole morning, va activities revolving around their first times and emotions were carried out in English.  Students learned new vocabulary, reading skills and shared their stories about their first times. They also participated by giving insights on what they expect for the beginning of their new college experience.  Meeting friends and learning a lot about their own majors were at the top of their list, making it obvious what their priorities would be. Some of them mentioned the learning opportunities in the different activities that our university has to offer, while others felt nervous when talking about the beginning of a new academic journey. “Matileo is the ideal place to achieve that interaction with students from different majors which we have a lot to learn from” stated one of the students. Building these friendship bonds at the beginning of the semester is essential for them to be able to feel safe and more confident at the start of their classes.  

Manuela Manzano 

Expectations about my first semester 

While talking with the students, we realized that the words that stands out the most among the students are excitement, eagerness and nerves. They expressed their excitement of coming to college for the first time, by assuring that this is a great opportunity to make new friends and focus on what they are really interested to learn.  

In addition, some students stated that going to the university is a very important step in their life’s, so they want to give their best to have an amazing experience. However, encounter something that you are not familiar with makes you anxious and nervous and without doubt that’s what most of the students are feeling. 

Moreover, it’s important to mention that some students are not from Cali, so, as soon as we come back to face to face classes, must of them will move to Cali and start a new life. For sure this will be an incredible experience for them, but it is always difficult to adapt and feeling scared or anxious is more than normal. 

Luisa Maria Zuñiga Benavides 

Benjamin Silva 


Juegos y Cultura


Universidad Icesi, Calle 18 No. 122-135 Pance, Cali - Colombia | Teléfono: +57 (2) 555 2334

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