Agricultural waste as source to generate energy and other products
This track should focus on proposals towards valorization technologies of residual biomass, with special emphasis (but not limited) on lignocellulosic, fruit and municipal waste residues for energy generation and chemical production. Project ideas should include advances in pretreatment technologies and transformation strategies employing both bio and chemical approaches. Process sustainability should be a priority, therefore financial, environmental and social impacts should be address as well. Interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged. Proposals should identify opportunities for rural development and prosperity in the region.

Value chain enhancement
This track should focus on proposals towards the improvement on competitiveness of critical Colombian crops through the whole supply chain from farmers to market. Project ideas should include logistics optimization, procurement, e-farm (IoT), site specific agriculture, data value chain, market opportunities, and technology development. Interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged. Proposals should identify opportunities for rural development and prosperity in the region.

Cultivation and productivity of high value crops
This track should focus on proposals towards crop genetic improvement for cultivation in marginal zones and for increasing crop productivity. Although high-value crops generally refer to non-staple crops such as vegetables, fruits (avocado, cacao and pineapple), flowers (orchids), ornamentals, and condiments (vanilla), within this topic, we also consider staple crops important for the region, such as rice and sugarcane. Project ideas should include implementation of the latest omics approaches together with plant breeding of new varieties and cultivars. Interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged. Proposals should identify opportunities for national and international markets, rural development and prosperity in the region.

Labor and gender
The Labor track should focus on proposals towards the political, economic and social developments that shape working life, along with workers' impact on society in the Cali region. Project ideas may include topics such as ethnicity, labor movement, unemployment, inequality, the changing nature of work, workplace culture and gender differences in pay and employment levels and the type of labor-market activities. The gender part of this track should focus on proposals towards gender roles and gender identity from a variety of theoretical approaches focusing on its implications on rural development and prosperity. Project ideas may include topics as gender and sexuality and how these concepts intersect with phenomena as production activities and poverty. Interdisciplinary approaches, as well as proposals at the intersection of these two areas, are encouraged. Proposals should identify opportunities for rural development and prosperity in the region.