S8VER consists on a low cost quadricopter that integrates various technologies through the use of an eBox-3310A-MSJK making the device an effective tool to identify human lives in danger.
The ebox runs an application using Windows Embedded Compact 7 as the operating system, in which it is performed data and signal processing of all devices and technologies that are integrated in our solution.


S8VER can be controlled through a desktop application, but considering the portability of the device it could be also controlled through a Windows Phone 7 application. Using this two interfaces it is possible to control the movements of S8VER changing its direction or elevation.


The communication between S8VER and the desktop or WP7 application will be done through an integrated WiFi module in the ebox, making possible to transmit the information processed within a minimum range of time, having achieved an optimal implementation of Long-Range Wi-Fi.


S8VER integrates a camera that could be used by rescuers to monitor unreachable places in real-time, places in which it’s possible to find victims and each taken image is processed by the ebox for the identification of human figures within a context, through a facial recognition algorithm executed by the embedded application.


Thus, in a disaster situation, S8VER recognize people who need help sending a notification to the rescuers and informing them of this fact through the application.


S8VER is also able to process sounds. Through the implementation of digital signal processing of audio, is intended to filter the data received by the S8VER microphone to differentiate human sounds, i.e. frequencies between 90 and 500 Hz, where it is most likely to find human voices, in order to identify potential callings for assistance. S8VER also notify this event to the application on the WP7 or the PC.


S8VER it is also equipped with a GPS module that will allow rescuers to know the exact position of those who need to be assisted. This information will be received by rescuers in the Windows Phone 7 or in the desktop application. In this way, they will be able to have a map with information of the location and condition of affected people in a given area and this information may be used by relief agencies to design a good plan of assistance, to prioritize the areas that have worse conditions and to optimize the use of resources that become always limited in a disaster situation. The GPS will deliver the S8VER exact position, flight speed and path traveled, to have control over the device.


When the battery runs out, S8VER slowly descends and lands, sending the Windows Phone 7or the PC application its last location so the rescuers could pick it up. Thinking on a self-sufficient and environmentally friendly solution, S8VER integrates solar panels. S8VER, depending on weather conditions and making use of a charge controller will start charging itself its battery.


The embedded system used by S8VER is necessary because it allows the system to process a lot of data from video, audio, signal processing and other kind of flows that require a significant processor. The embedded system is designed to handle a rudimentary environment, that’s why it is better to work with and embedded system instead of a cellphone or a notebook.


S8VER is an innovative, realistic and effective solution that using the latest Microsoft technologies can become a key to save lives in a disaster situation, a solution that could surprise us at anytime and anywhere.


arS8VER is based on S8VER but it has his own differential and is that It can acquired the recognition thought augmented reality (RA), the software process the image of the person and starts an algorithm that can identify victims with their form without needing any extra information.


The control interface is based on augmented reality too and can detect not only humans but identify plants, animals and different objects. The technology can be applied to identify the correct date for the harvest of rice.