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e-Health: Research & Innovation branch led by Icesi University


The information and communications technology (ICT) have a great potential to address some of the challenges that low-income and middle-income countries in providing health services with optimal performance in access, quality and profitability face. This interaction emerges the area of e-Health, understood as the application of ICT in providing health services in the individual and population levels. Within the definition of e-Health there are five areas involve the following components: Medical Electronic Records, Internet pharmacies, telemedicine, mobile-Health and e-Learning. Since 2005, WHO has carried out two Global surveys on from self-reported and expert consensus. The second was done in 2009 and published in early 2012, as a novelty introduced a special chapter on legal and ethical frameworks for e-Health, for which three objectives set: review trends in introducing legislation to protect personally identifiable data and health-related data in digital format, well as the right to access and control your own medical records, identify and analyze control online pharmacies by the Member States and review the actions by governments to protect children from violence on the Internet.




Why e-Health?


The challenges of a research and innovation in e-health are enormous because the definitions and the opportunities are quickly evolving, the use of technology as a tool for health care does not match its original purpose. In addition, their identification with health programs is not well known and the evidence on e-Health is new and is very limited in developing countries.




Why research on Parkinson's disease?


  • 1. Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder, second in frequency after Alzheimer's disease.
  • 2. Because the incidence of the disease increases after 60 years, the prevalence has increased in proportion to the aging of the world population.
  • 3. The high variability of symptoms and signs during the day and between days, the difficulty to accurately assess the extent of the commitment and high inter-observer variability, become challenges for the care of people living with Parkinson's disease.
  • 4. In addition, in the world, the majority of patients with Parkinson's disease confront barriers that limit access to services such as transportation costs, progressive disability, access to caregivers and unequal distribution of medical specialists.




Alliance groups


The i2t group has a collaborative research alliance with the Biomédica Research Group, established in 2009 by a group of medical researchers from the University ICESI and Valle del Lili Foundation. This partnership aims to develop System for Neurologic Diseases (SND) to support the diagnosis, clinical monitoring and research in neurological diseases, starting from the year 2011 and currently in force.




Biomédica team

i2t team

  • Jorge Luis Orozco Vélez, MD.  CvLAC
  • Beatriz Muñoz, PSc. PhD. (Candidate)  CvLAC
  • Yoseth Ariza Araujo, MD. MSc. Epidemiología.  CvLAC
  • Eng. Andrés Navarro, PhD.  CvLAC
  • Eng. Sebastián Londoño. MSc.  CvLAC
  • Eng. Juan David Arango. MSc. (Candidate)  CvLAC




Graduate Students (Completed Projects)


  • Christian Urcuqui, Software Eng., MSc (Candidate) i2t's active member.
  • Edgar Nova, Software Eng.
  • Brahyan Abel Escobar Henao, Software Eng.
  • Jimmy Orduz Ultengo, Software Eng.
  • Andrés Quevedo, Multimedia Designer




Current projects: Platform Apps












Alianza Parkinson Cali project


The Alianza Parkinson Cali, established in 2013, an articulation efforts of people and institutions around the investigations and interventions in Parkinson. This alliance aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of Parkinson's disease in the population in southwestern Colombia, with strategic objectives: (1) Develop research, (2) promote access to specialist diagnosis, (3) Provide information, (4) provide training process, and (5) Advocate for health.


Web page: Alianza Parkinson Cali




SNDCloud & SNDWeb: platform project


SNDCloud enables 24/7 monitoring of the patient using telemedicine and mobile medicine (eHealth and mHealth). Optimizing of consultation time and allowing the health professional know at any instant summary general state of their patient's. Patients may share information with their physician beyond the paraclinical tests and may run clinical trials at distance and know those results in real time. SNDCloud is software as a service-oriented cloud -SaaS- allowing multiple orchestrate and deliver the services needed for other applications.

SNDWeb is the web client of SNDCloud through which users can interact with the information provided by different applications connected to the platform. SNDWeb allows the physician to administer medical records of their patients, add new episodes with drug treatment and different clinical test program. Clinical tests are performed in different applications that are designed and customized to measure each test.


Web page: SNDWeb




e-Motion app project


e-Motion Capture System is a desktop-web application prototype designed to be used by specialized attending group in the clinical setting. e-Motion is integrated an application based on web services called SNDCloud that allows at physicians made clinical monitoring their patients with Parkinson’ disease. The e-Motion Capture System is able to calculate motor (stride length, length step, and cadence) and spatiotemporal (velocity and acceleration) variables. E-Motion has three functionalities: 1-Administrative: obtains the medical history episode and sends analysis of variables to SNDCloud after capture motion. 2-Capture motion: uses Kinect® to get location (3D) of joints of interest to calculate specific variables and provides graphic interface for end users (patients and physicians) through 2D and 3D images (Graphic user interface - GUI). 3-Data Processing: provides software services in collecting and processing data.






PDaily app project


PDaily is a mobile application prototype designed to be used by the patient or caregiver and thought with a medical approach. PDaily was developed by an interdisciplinary team, consisting of specialists in neurology, neuropsychology, epidemiology, and engineers of information and communications technology. PDaily is integrated an application based on web services called SNDCloud that allows at physicians made clinical monitoring their patients. PDaily has six software components: (1) Store: Keeps the patient’s personal information and registry of his/her condition and treatment. (2) Reminders: Notifies the next dose of the drug, using services of timing and alarms. In the short term it will include augmented reality to identify medicines. (3) Motor symptoms: captures information of tremor, using the accelerometer, which is incorporated in the mobile device; it registers the duration of dyskinesia and freezing state ON-OFF. (4) Assistance: Provides remote medical counseling, using the device’s video calling capabilities. (5) Emergency: Aids in contacting a family member, doctor or emergency telephone number of the city for help in an emergency. (6) Location: maintains the registration of the geographical location of the person (places visited and frequency).






Boskot app roject


Boskot is a desktop application that uses interactive exercises Kinect® where are developed and connected with SNDCloud. This application aims to provide the best elements in assessment conditions with an interactive environment for a Parkinson's patient and clinical staff by user's experience analysis and patients calm their anxiety, stress (etc) and increase their level of attention for the assessment, with interactive games strategies helps patients perform exercises, which may be used for diagnosis or therapy, which give a satisfying reward.




Leishmaniasis App


LeishmaniaisisApp is a mobile application developed by i2t in partnership with the International Center for Training and Medical Research (CIDEIM) for early identification of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis by running a clinic and sending screening test results to SNDCloud and managed SNDWeb through monitoring and ensuring adherence to drug treatment of disease.







Spectra is a web information system for monitoring mosquito Aedes aegypti, virus vector of dengue & chikungunya. This application is an initiative of i2t and the International Centre for Research Training and Medical (CIDEIM). The application's main purpose, identify potential mosquito breeding sites in areas affected with Aedes aegypti; the system can acquire the precise location because it captures geo-referenced information, locating the exact coordinates of the affected area. Allows access and analyze real-time data collected in the field by the control entities and speed up administrative processes of health entities that control the dengue vector to develop campaigns prevention and control dengue transmission.


Furthermore: CNN en Español