Boletín de prensa # 28 El KDI School of Public Policy and Management en alianza con el Korea Development Institute, abre su convocatoria para participar en el programa de Becas 2014 (NIIED GKS-KGSP), para estudiar la Maestría en Políticas Públicas y Políticas para el Desarrollo. Este programa de becas es patrocinado por el Ministerio de Educación de Korea. Informes Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla. KOREA BECAS   El Gobierno de Educación de Korea, a través de su Ministerio de Educación, abre convocatorias para estudiar en los programas de Maestría en Políticas Públicas y Políticas para el Desarrollo del KDI School of Public Policy and Management affiliated with Korea Development Institute. La siguiente es la información en inglés que divulga el KDI: Offering Programs: Master of Public Policy / Master of Development Policy Duration: September, 2014 ~ August, 2017 (First Year: Korean language training, Second and Third Year: Master's degree program) Benefits: tuition, monthly stipend, and round-trip airfare Application Deadline: March 28, 2014 How to Apply: Please download the attached application guideline for application procedures and requirements.  Applicants should apply via either a designated university or a Korean embassy as indicated in the guideline. Eligibility: - Be citizens of countries designated by the NIIED - Hold a Bachelor’s or an equivalent degree as of August 31, 2014 - Be under 40 years of age as of September 1, 2014 - Be in good health, both physically and mentally - Not have had enrolled in a university in Korea - Have a GPA of at least 2.64/4.0, 2.8/4.3, 2.91/4.5 or grades of 80% or higher from the previously attended institution - Meet the NIIED’s candidate qualification   Informes:  Admissions Office, KDI School of Public Policy and Management 85 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea 130-722 TEL: 82-2-3299-1281 / 1220 FAX: 82-2-3299-1223 Email: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla. Website: