No. 11 (2018): Challenges of the psychological exercise

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In recent years, we have witnessed several events at the national level that highlight the complex and diverse transformation scenarios facing the country. In previously published issues, the discussion of migration issues, international relations and their mutations in the face of different phenomena, and social dynamics that arise in response to these. However, this time, we dedicate this special issue to a discipline that from its knowledge seeks to question and explain the psychological dimensions of social phenomena. Psychology, faces the challenges of unraveling the relationship between individuals and society, challenges that in the current post-conflict situation in Colombia are accentuated both in practice and in the theoretical and teaching models. Thus oriented, the present call is open to all contributions that involve research, reflection and / or bibliographical review related to the discipline in question: Psychology.
This proposal "Challenges of the psychological exercise" that arose as a result of the III National Encounter of Psychology (ENEPSI) in Cali, seeks to promote the study and the discussion about the different challenges and needs that the psychologist in formation will have to face to approach the post-conflict in a context as particular as the Colombian. This education invites to approach this subject from a transdisciplinary perspective with the intention of studying the dynamics of the psychological dimensions of social phenomena and the individual-society relationship in all its complexity.

Published: 2018-04-07



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