La poligamia y la pluriparentalidad en los distintos ordenamientos jurídicos

un análisis comparado para incentivar la discusión sobre la familia plural.


  • Juan David Jaramillo Manzano Icesi



Polygamy, Pluriparentality, Plural Family, Socio-affectivity, Family Law.


Although Colombia has made great advances in the protection of rights since the 1991 Constitution, there is one aspect of family law that has been neglected: the plural family. This figure, composed by the spheres of polygamy and pluriparentality, has already seen important advances in other legal systems, such as Brazil, Canada and the United States; countries that, either by means of a law or through a judicial precedent, have managed to present a discussion that, with arguments such as socio-affectivity, or the greater interest of the minor, have been resolved in the acceptance of these figures in their systems. It is time that, as these countries did, Colombia begins a reasoned discussion on the subject.


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How to Cite

La poligamia y la pluriparentalidad en los distintos ordenamientos jurídicos: un análisis comparado para incentivar la discusión sobre la familia plural. (2022). Trans-Pasando Fronteras, (19), 30-65.