La enseñanza universitaria en perspectiva de género

Sensibilidad de género e innovación docente




Género, Docencia con sensibilidad de género, ciberfeminismo, Innovación docente, Gestión docente


Incorporate gender sensitive pedagogy and practices into the University education is a necessity for an integral High education institution. Based on the author’s teaching and management experience, is needed to incorporate gender sensitive measures in University teaching. The incorporation of digital and distance learning in Higher education is also proposed from a gender perspective. Particularly with a mention to “cyberfeminist pedagogy”. In conclusion, a series of areas of action are proposed that will allow adopting a gender sensitive pedagogy in Higher Education.


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How to Cite

La enseñanza universitaria en perspectiva de género: Sensibilidad de género e innovación docente. (2021). Trans-Pasando Fronteras, (17).