The society and the specialist, the role of the psychologist as a bureaucrat of normality: between the clinic, its historical development and its implications.


  • Jeyson Ariel Ramírez Cortés Universidad Santiago de Cali
  • Sebastián Hurtado Jiménez Universidad Santiago de Cali



Madness, Normativity, Social order, Diagnostic, System.


This work aims to incite a reflection concerning the psychologist’s role coming from the
problematics that have involved the appearance of the professionals that make up the so
called disciplines in function of psi. Hence an appraisal is formulated as a critique on the
permanent demand of the institutions and the implications of the psychologists in them. In
addition, some historical aspects that led to the presence of professional intervention in the
normalization and promotion of the social structure inquiring its appearance in function of a
demanding society will be outlined. It is necessary to mention that, beyond what we could
propose as a way out of what psychology ideally could do to avoid the problematics that we
contemplate, it is rather a call to consistently think psychology, the current psychologist’s
role and to promote the critical practice it requires.


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Author Biographies

  • Jeyson Ariel Ramírez Cortés, Universidad Santiago de Cali

    Estudiante de psicología de la universidad Santiago de Cali. Pertenece al semillero Lôgos adscrito a la línea
    de investigación subjetividad y cultura.

  • Sebastián Hurtado Jiménez, Universidad Santiago de Cali

    Estudiante de psicología de la universidad Santiago de Cali. Pertenece al semillero Lôgos adscrito a la línea
    de investigación subjetividad y cultura.


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How to Cite

The society and the specialist, the role of the psychologist as a bureaucrat of normality: between the clinic, its historical development and its implications. (2018). Trans-Pasando Fronteras, (11).