Football: a catalyst for insecurity? Analysis of this social phenomenon and its incidence in security


  • Andrés Felipe Briceño Rodriguez Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá D.C.



Ecnomical security, Social security, Football, Food safety,


From the time of its origins, football has been directly linked with the theme of security from different angles, inherently, reciprocal and even complementary. Nevertheless, due to its popularity, and its capacity to appeal to large audiences, its role has been misinterpreted in today´s societies. One can ask whether football plays as a catalyst to the increase of insecurity and violence. Having evidenced the vulnerabilities and sensibilities that surround this particular nexus, the following essay aims to analyze its similarities and externalities. For this, it is necessary to study the main prevarications of security and later on, compare it with the personal insights of professional football players that belong to the top European leagues (more specifically the Spanish, German, Italian and Portugal leagues). These operate as an open market for the export of national footballers, which brings a variety of benefits for both the athlete and our country as it enables Colombia to have a more relevant position in this sport´s agenda as a Soft Power. Also, it is important to take in consideration the time and money invested by footballers to contribute for the betterment of their communities.


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Author Biography

  • Andrés Felipe Briceño Rodriguez, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá D.C.

    Estudiante de Política y Relaciones Internacionales Universidad Sergio Arboleda (Colombia). Representante Estudiantil Escuela de Política y Relaciones Internacionales. Web Máster y Community Manager Red Intercol (Red colombiana de Relaciones Internacionales), Communiy Manager en Indignados Colombia Oficial. Columnista Revista Sócrates. Fundador, columnista y editor de Punto Crítico; una visión controversial del Fútbol y la Política, Columnista Pase al Vacío. Locutor en los programas “La Banda” y “Hora LATAM”, para USARTV (Radio Virtual Sergio Arboleda).


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How to Cite

Football: a catalyst for insecurity? Analysis of this social phenomenon and its incidence in security. (2014). Trans-Pasando Fronteras, (6), 141-156.