A (trans) border´s area. The attitude’s change


  • Silvia Amador Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres




Area border, Language attitude, Languages in contact,


This article makes part of the research for my thesis on Linguistic Attitudes appearing in the western half of the Iberian Peninsula at the Spanish and Portuguese border region (Extremadura-Alentejo/ Beira). The article aims to show the positive change in attitude that is being generated in this area due to the good relationship between these two Iberian states despite their many cultural differences and difficult history. Besides, it’s clear the positive outlook where a renewed relationship that breaks with some of the most striking negative views inherited from the past. A good example would be the linguistic term "turn its back" related to the country across the borders. In this way is perceived as within the imagination of a nation, and the political and cultural imagination, the so called borders. Sometimes, this term becomes a metaphor for transgression, but the “boundaries” do not always fulfill that role. The West Iberian border, between Spain and Portugal, could well be the case of bilateral agreements, teamwork and good relationships. Recently, a change emerged thanks to the Statute of Autonomy from the Extremadura region and the interest that people have shown for each other's culture.


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Author Biography

  • Silvia Amador, Universidad de Extremadura, Cáceres

    Dpto. Lenguas Modernas y Literaturas Comparadas
    Universidad de Extremadura, España.


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How to Cite

A (trans) border´s area. The attitude’s change. (2015). Trans-Pasando Fronteras, (7), 39-58. https://doi.org/10.18046/retf.i7.1754