SafeCandy: System for security, analysis and validation in Android


  • Sebastián Londoño Universidad Icesi, Cali
  • Christian Urcuqui Universidad Icesi, Cali
  • Manuel Fuentes Amaya Password Consulting Services, Bogotá
  • Johan Gómez Password Consulting Services, Bogotá
  • Andrés Navarro Cadavid Universidad Icesi, Cali



Mobile security, Android security, ASEF, anti-malware.


Android is an operating system which currently has over one billion active users for all their mobile devices, a market impact that is influencing an increase in the amount of information that can be obtained from different users, facts that have motivated the development of malicious software by cybercriminals. To solve the problems caused by malware, Android implements a different architecture and security controls, such as a unique user ID (UID) for each application, while an API permits its distribution platform, Google Play applications. It has been shown that there are ways to violate that protection, so the developer community has been developing alternatives aimed at improving the level of safety. This paper presents: the latest information on the various trends and security solutions for Android, and SafeCandy, an app proposed as a new system for analysis, validation and configuration of Android applications that implements static and dynamic analysis with improved ASEF. Finally, a study is included to evaluate the effectiveness in threat detection of different malware antivirus software for Android.

Biografia do Autor

  • Sebastián Londoño, Universidad Icesi, Cali

    MSc. Systems Engineer (emphasis in Management and Computing) and Master in Computing Management and Telecommunications from the Universidad Icesi (Cali-Colombia). As part of Informatics and Telecommunications research group [i2t] participated in "Safe Candy: analysis, validation and security configuration for Android apps" project

  • Christian Urcuqui, Universidad Icesi, Cali

    Systems Engineer (emphasis in Management and Computing) and Master in Computing Management and Telecommunications student from the Universidad Icesi (Cali-Colombia). As part of Informatics and Telecommunications research group [i2t] participated in "Safe Candy: analysis, validation and security configuration for Android apps" project

  • Manuel Fuentes Amaya, Password Consulting Services, Bogotá

    Electronic Engineer from the Universidad del Cauca. He works for Password Consulting Services (Bogotá, Colombia) and was a member of developers team in "Safe Candy: analysis, validation and security configuration for Android apps" project

  • Johan Gómez, Password Consulting Services, Bogotá
    Electronic Engineer from the Universidad del Cauca. He works for Password Consulting Services (Bogotá, Colombia) and was a member of developers team in "Safe Candy: analysis, validation and security configuration for Android apps" project
  • Andrés Navarro Cadavid, Universidad Icesi, Cali

    Ph.D. Electronic Engineer and Magister in Technology Management of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Medellín, Colombia) and Doctor of Engineering in Telecommunications of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain). Full time professor and leader of the Informatics and Telecommunications research group (i2T) attached to the Information and Communications Department at the Universidad Icesi (Cali-Colombia). Counselor at the National Program of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics [ETI]. Spectrum Management and Cognitive Radio are two of his major interest areas


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