LIES: Learning Immersive Experiences Significative


  • Patricia Madriñán Rodríguez Universidad Icesi, Cali



Immersive learning, mLearning


Virtual education is progressively replacing the classrooms, then having a face-to-face class is becoming a luxury. This paper proposes a way to take advantage of this opportunity for direct human exchange with technological support, but focusing the pedagogical activity on a living experience where the apprentice is the protagonist. Although pedagogical mediation requires a lot of preparatory work, has advantages: make simple its implementation and facilitate its replica by almost any individual who had received enough training. High-level educational experiences in many scenarios are enabled, joining the virtues of both: tangible and intangible worlds. A particular case, where a methodological structure based on the breathing –with its expansions and its contractions– as pedagogical process is proposed, and its educational components are explained

Author Biography

  • Patricia Madriñán Rodríguez, Universidad Icesi, Cali

    Industrial designer from the Pontificia Universidad Bolivarian de Medellín (Colombia), Specialist in Multimedia Production from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain) and Doctor in Education from the Universidad de la Salle (Costa Rica). As a private consultant, she collaborates with the projects of the Informatics and Telecommunications Research Group [i2t] at the Universidad Icesi (Cali, Colombia). His biggest areas of professional interest, besides education, are design, usability and optimization of the user experience


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