Methodology to proceed to the calculation of ecological footprint of the exhibition areas at the Zoológico de Cali


  • Sory Carola Torres Quintero Universidad Icesi, Cali
  • Andrés López Astudillo Universidad Icesi, Cali
  • Marcela Moreno Duque Universidad Icesi, Cali
  • Luis Ángel Restrepo Universidad Icesi, Cali



Ecological footprint, industrial ecology, eco-efficiency, clean production, water footprint, carbon footprint, environmental impact.


The design, development and calculation of the Ecological Footprint are a universally accepted concept to measure and dimension the impact of human activities on natural resources. This article is the result of the investigation conducted at the Zoo of Cali (Colombia), in which an instrument was designed, applied and validated to determine the ecological footprint of the exhibition areas the different species of animals between July and November 2009. This is the first experience in Colombia to measure the footprint in a Zoo, which regards this service as a unique and exceptional activity. The development of this trail involved the lifting of eco maps and operational processes of each exhibition, as well as evaluating the types of resources consumed and the amount of waste they generate, to proceed to the calculation of the overall impact. The article is accompanied by an Excel tool, available for download at the site of the magazine.

Author Biographies

  • Sory Carola Torres Quintero, Universidad Icesi, Cali
    Biographical statement available in spanish
  • Andrés López Astudillo, Universidad Icesi, Cali
    Biographical statement available in spanish
  • Marcela Moreno Duque, Universidad Icesi, Cali
    Biographical statement available in spanish
  • Luis Ángel Restrepo, Universidad Icesi, Cali
    Biographical statement available in spanish


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Original Research