Is there an Unfaithful Party in the Triangular Relationship between China, the United States and Venezuela?




China, United States, Venezuela, Triangular Relationships


The United States has recurrently attributed something akin to “disloyalty” to Venezuela due to its relationship with China, while the latter has been accused of altering the game rules in the region, especially in weak democracies such as the Venezuelan. In this escalating accusations context – beyond the colloquialism and parallels when referring to whether this country has been “unfaithful” to its traditional relationship with the United States – this article argues that relations between China, the United States, and Venezuela are triangular. Therefore, the question whether the presence of the Asian country in Venezuela has had economic and political implications for the relationship between Venezuela and the United States has been addressed as one of the main points. The formation of this triangular relationship and its development in the economic and political-diplomatic fields is analyzed from a comparative and triangular relationship perspective.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Soliz-de Stange, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität

    Doctora en Ciencia Política de la Universität Hamburg (Alemania). Es investigadora postdoctoral y docente en la Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg. La autora agradece las correcciones y sugerencias de los revisores anónimos, así como del equipo editorial de la Revista CS.


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How to Cite

Soliz-de Stange, A. (2022). Is there an Unfaithful Party in the Triangular Relationship between China, the United States and Venezuela?. Revista CS, (37), 37-62.