Community Narratives and Territorial Dynamics of Colombian Peace Agreement Implementation Process in Miranda, Cauca (2016-2018)




FARC-EP Guerrilla, Peasants, Illicit Crops, Laying Down Weapons, The Havana Peace Agreement


In compliance with the Colombian Peace Agreement, signed in 2016, the municipality of Miranda was one of the designated sites for the congregation and disarming of the oldest guerrilla in Latin America: FARC-EP. In addition, it was one of the 170 prioritized municipalities by the national government for the implementation of a series of mechanisms for territorial planning in the context of peace, including a program that deals with the substitution of the large swaths of coca and marihuana that can be found in the region: the National Program of Substitution of Illicit Crops (PNIS). This case report, textual and photographic, comes from the accompaniment carried out between the end of 2016 and 2018 of the implementation of several of the commitments as signed by the guerrilla and the Colombian government. Based on a deeply ethnographic and territorial perspective, this report critically exhibits the narratives of failure that surged within the ex-combats from the Rehabilitation Zone “Dagoberto Ortiz” in Monte Redondo, as well as the dynamics of social organizations and governmental institutions in the process of state-building during this important moment of social and political transition.


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Author Biography

  • Irene Vélez-Torres, Universidad del Valle

    Filósofa y magíster en Estudios Culturales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Bogotá. Ph.D. en Geografía Política y Humana por la Universidad de Copenhague (Dinamarca). Profesora Titular de la Universidad del Valle. Directora del programa Tecnología AgroAmbiental. Miembro de los grupos de investigación BIONOVO y CAS.


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How to Cite

Vélez-Torres, I. (2019). Community Narratives and Territorial Dynamics of Colombian Peace Agreement Implementation Process in Miranda, Cauca (2016-2018). Revista CS, (28), 153-179.