Narrative Review of the Relationship between Envy and Schadenfreude




Schadenfreude, Envy, Social Relationships, Social Comparison, Desrvedness


Envy and Schadenfreude are negative emotions. Envy promotes social comparison as well as the desire to have something that is possessed by another, while Schadenfreude involves a rewarding feeling derived from the pleasure obtained for misfortune happening to the envied person. Both emotions hinder social relationships. This narrative review is based on the state of the art on the relationship between envy and Schadenfreude. A review of these concepts was carried out and social psychology and neuroscience experimental studies were analyzed. The findings indicate that the literature reviewed focuses on four factors that relate envy and Schadenfreude: 1) brain activation, 2) social conditions, 3) empathy, and 4) the merit system. Additionally, the literature showed the possibility that envy could be a predictor of Schadenfreude, which would provide basis for new research studies to test this hypothesis.


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Author Biography

  • Cecilia Restrepo-Neira, Universidad Icesi

    Licenciada en Lengua Castellana de la Universidad de San Buenaventura, Cali (Colombia). Magíster en Estudios Sociales y Políticos (modalidad investigación) de la Universidad Icesi, Cali (Colombia).


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How to Cite

Restrepo-Neira, C. (2019). Narrative Review of the Relationship between Envy and Schadenfreude. Revista CS, (27), 117-141.