The value transmitted by woman in Disney animated films




Values, Woman, Cinema, Education, Gender


The animated films, has taken in the last decade of great relevance. This study aims to analyse the values that the female of the films from Disney. Through a descriptive and correlational study, we have proceeded to consult a group of teachers (N = 27) of said educational level, through a questionnaire of Marin and Sanchez (2015). The main result achieved has been the realization of the development of women and their role in society. It has also been confirmed that all transmit at least one traditional socially accepted value.


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Author Biographies

  • Verónica Marín Díaz, Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba

    Doctora en Pedagogía por la Universidad de Granada, editora de la revista digital EDMETIC, Revista de Educación Mediática y TIC. Principales líneas de investigación: TIC, competencia digital, tecnologías emergentes aplicadas a la educación, gamificación.

  • Concepción Solís, Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba

    Magister en Psicología de la Salud por la Universidad de Córdoba, Principales líneas de investigación: desarrollo curricular en la infancia, tecnología educativa.



How to Cite

Marín Díaz, V., & Solís, C. (2017). The value transmitted by woman in Disney animated films. Revista CS, (23), 37-55.