Afro-Music Festivals in Multicultural Nation States: Parallel Analysis of Mexico and Colombia




Multiculturalism, Afro-Latin America, Ethnic-Racial Identities, Pigmentocracies, Urban Anthropology


The article analyzes two Latin American afromusic festivals -one in Mexico and one in Colombia-, trying to find the strategies by which the multicultural project is expressed in these historical and culturally different scenarios. Using qualitative techniques, the ways through which the state institutions organizing the events and the people attending them build their experiences mediated by ethno-cultural difference and multicultural legislation that regulates it are characterized. The paper concludes that the Latin American multicultural project presents serious structural flaws in their actions and raises other ways of understanding the ethnic and racial otherness and its relationship to state institutions.


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How to Cite

Pazos Cardenas, M. (2017). Afro-Music Festivals in Multicultural Nation States: Parallel Analysis of Mexico and Colombia. Revista CS, (21), 121-143.