Roses and thorns. Representations of the women in the colombian art 1868-1910


  • Luz Adriana Hoyos Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá D.C.



Representation, Habitus, Distinction, Cultural history


The principal aim of this article is to expose the principal approaches and conclusions of the investigation "Visible Women/Invisible Women. Representations of the women in the Colombian art 1868-1910". The analysis of paintings, drawings and lithographic series of pictures of customs during the select period shows how the representations of the women were legitimized by models differentiated for the different social sectors. The used methodology is proper of the Cultural History that studies the representations and the diffusion and circulation of the cultural productions. As categories of analysis, Pierre Bordieu's concepts were used: Field, Distinction and Habitus that were applied specifically to the studied epoch and allowed to determine the influence that the elites had both in the production of the works of art, and in the creation of practices that, associated with the manuals and the press dedicated to women defined forms of behavior that attributed these specific moral and Christian characteristics. The study concludes how a great part of the feminine selected portraits defined an idealized model of woman that added to the strategies of diffusion established by the groups of elite.


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Author Biography

  • Luz Adriana Hoyos, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá D.C.
    Magister en Historia de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá. Investigadora en temas de Historia cultural, Historia de las mujeres, Teoría de la representación, Estudios de Género e Historia del arte colombiano. Becaria del Ministerio de Cultura de España en la Estancia “Gestión y coordinación de actividades de difusión para los Museos Estatales” en Madrid, 2008. En la actualidad, es docente hora cátedra de la Universidad Javeriana Cali en el Departamento de arquitectura, arte y diseño, y de la Universidad del Valle en el Departamento de historia; así como curadora independiente en el arte de las mujeres artistas colombianas y extranjeras.


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How to Cite

Hoyos, L. A. (2015). Roses and thorns. Representations of the women in the colombian art 1868-1910. Revista CS, (17), 83-108.