Toward an Interpretation of the Ethics of Consequences in Light of a Citizenship Project


  • Luis Alberto Carmona Sanchéz



ethics, consequences, Recognition, rights, the State


This article aims to provide a basis for interpreting the ethics of consequences from the perspectives of Richard Hare, Stephen Toulmin, and G. W. F. Hegel. This exercise will serve as a call for interdisciplinary dialogue that would contribute to a systematic overview of the ethics of consequences based on reason and Recognition. Methodologically, the work is a result of qualitative interpretation and archival research. The article takes an interdisciplinary approach toward the subject, seeking to contribute conceptually to a possible interpretation of the ethics of consequence.


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How to Cite

Carmona Sanchéz, L. A. (2014). Toward an Interpretation of the Ethics of Consequences in Light of a Citizenship Project. Revista CS, (13), 263-282.