Performativity and Hate Speech: Expressions of Male Homosexuality in Cali


  • Andrés Felipe Castelar Universidad Icesi, Cali
  • Felipe Quintero Aguirre



Hate Speech, Homosexuality, Performative acts, Deconstruction, Allegory


This article analyzes the speech of a group of self-identified homosexual men in Cali inwhich they refer to the visibilization of homosexuality and its consequences. Distancingitself from the explanation of such speech as “internal homophobia” or as “endo-discrimiation,”the current study instead utilizes Judith Butler’s concept of performativityin three categories of analysis: allegory, implicit and explicit norms, and desire/aversion.Based on this analysis, this hate speech can be read as a succession of performative actsthat constitute an idealized subject while simultaneously reaffirming a desired yet threatenedmasculinity. These performative acts not only allow them to defend themselves againsta perceived persecution for a sexual abjection that threatens heteronormativity, but alsoallow for a strong component of homoerotic desire to be embedded within such speech.


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How to Cite

Castelar, A. F., & Quintero Aguirre, F. (2012). Performativity and Hate Speech: Expressions of Male Homosexuality in Cali. Revista CS, (10), 207-240.