The Emergence of the Table Dance Within the Context of the North American Free Trade Agreement in Mexico: Symbolic Impact and the Deconstruction of Erotic Services


  • Gilberto López Villagrán Florida International University



Table dance, Erotic dancers, Institutional deficit, Women, Mexico


Utilizing qualitative methodology, as well as indirect documentary sources, this article aims to deconstruct the table dance erotic industry in Mexico, taking into account the context of free trade and the expectations it exploded. The explanation takes into account context, symbols and institutions. The article further analyses the conceptual aspects of the signification of the body and pornotopia and posits the category of poliperformatividad as an aggregate of performative acts in order to understand the semiotics of the table dance. Using the stories as its basis, this serves to measure the problem of social stigma within the collective of erotic dancers in Mexico.


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How to Cite

López Villagrán, G. (2012). The Emergence of the Table Dance Within the Context of the North American Free Trade Agreement in Mexico: Symbolic Impact and the Deconstruction of Erotic Services. Revista CS, (10), 131-166.