Our is a battle of creativity”: Eco Contemporáneo Magazine, Argentina, 1960-1969


  • Ezequiel Guillermo Gatto National University of Rosario




Argentina, Counterculture, Artists’ networks, Politics


This article analyzes Eco Contemporáneo, a magazine published in Buenos Aires during the 1960s that was one of the fundamental references in the formation of critical cultural practices that could be generally characterized as “counterculture”. Focusing on the magazine’s contents, the article attempts to systematize some chief components of these cultural practices: the call for a “creative-reader”, the notion of a magazine serving as a platform for articulation, and, finally, the extremely particular relationships that it had with American counterculture, especially with the Beat writers and alternative journalism networks.


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How to Cite

Gatto, E. G. (2012). Our is a battle of creativity”: Eco Contemporáneo Magazine, Argentina, 1960-1969. Revista CS, (9), 169-198. https://doi.org/10.18046/recs.i9.1219