Towards the understanding of social reality in general theory of institutional facts


  • John Alexander Giraldo Chavarriaga Universidad del Valle



Social reality, Institutional fact, Language, Structure, Status


This paper offers a critical interpretation of the general theory of institutional facts, which intents to comprehend, on the basis of a basic regulatory structure with functions assignments, how objective social reality is constructed. We discuss problems, approaches, and theoretical methods employed by Searle, in contrast to sociological constructivism, examining the issues of autoreferentiality of the concept of institutionality, the search for objectivity, the adoption of external realism, the concept of truth, the role of language, and intentionality in the theory. Finally, the author verifies if the theory in question complies with some of the features that a general theory of regulation should have, according to the criteria of René Thom.


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How to Cite

Giraldo Chavarriaga, J. A. (2011). Towards the understanding of social reality in general theory of institutional facts. Revista CS, (8), 415-454.