Armed conflict in Colombia: analyzing the economic, social, and institutional causes of violent opposition


  • Lilian Yaffe Miami University



Armed conflict, Institutions, Colombian State, Lootable resources, Inequality


This paper offers a review of the literature dealing with the causes of the Colombian armed conflict. Its key objective is to discuss why the reduction of the levels of the conflict-related violence was unequal in various parts of the country between 2003 and 2010. The author addresses economic, institutional, and social causes as well as embraces the ongoing theoretical debates on the issue. The paper affirms that it is precisely the diversity of the causes that makes the Colombian conflict such a complex one, and that any related study must address all of the causal variables and perpetuating factors involved.


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How to Cite

Yaffe, L. (2011). Armed conflict in Colombia: analyzing the economic, social, and institutional causes of violent opposition. Revista CS, (8), 187-208.