Giving birth, being born and caring with humanity: intersectional reflections on the sexual health of racialized women in Mexico
Human Rights, Sexual And Reproductive Rights, Racialized Women, Racial Justice, Humanities And Social SciencesAbstract
This article presents intersectional and interdisciplinary approaches to gynecological- obstetric violence in Mexico. It includes a historical and philosophical analysis of the hegemonic model of motherhood, its implications on the lives of racialized women, and violent gynecological-obstetric care in the public health system. The origins of the motherhood model between the 17th and 19th centuries are explored, alongside its repercussions in contemporary society. The article also critiques public health policies implemented at the beginning of the 20th century, influenced by the eugenics movement, and examines their relationship with the current public health system, which has normalized forced contraception targeting racialized, working-class, peasant, impoverished and/or migrant women, as well as the violation of their human rights in delivery rooms. Furthermore, a critique is made of in Mexico’s fragmented and inefficient health system, particularly in providing medical care to women in areas such as sexual and reproductive health, cervical cancer, breast cancer, gynecological-obstetric violence, and forced contraception. Finally, it concludes with reflections on the need for an anti-racist and anti-patriarchal perspective regarding the guarantee of the right to health, the right to care, sexual and reproductive rights, and, more broadly, human rights for racialized women.
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