Proposal of an Index of the Vulnerability in Unpaid Care Work (IVC) and its relationship with roadtraffic accidents in Cali
Women, Unpaid Housework, Unpaid Care Work, Road Traffic AccidentsAbstract
Exogenous events to households and beyond the control of the women within them often result in women assuming more unpaid caregiving responsibilities, further restricting their time and possibilities to participate in the paid labor market. This article proposes an index to classify men and women in terms of their vulnerability to devote more hours to unpaid care work based on their individual and household characteristics, including the presence of motorcycle users. We associate a greater probability of road traffic accidents occurring when a household member is a motorcyclist, which creates and additional potential demand for caregiving within the household. Such external events disproportionately affect women, particularly those who already devote significant time to unpaid care work. In other words, a road accident involving a household member increases the vulnerability of women who already primary caregivers. Using data from the Gran Encuesta de Hogares for Cali, the index is estimated, showing that women are more vulnerable than men when a household member is affected by a road traffic accident.
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