Political Obligation as Prudential Obligation in the Political Philosophical Thought of Thomas Hobbes





Political Obligation, Legitimacy, Theory of the State, Constitutional Right, Political Philosophy


In Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes’ best-known work, the obligation to obey the state assumes a rational or prudential character because of the philosophical and epistemological theories from which this thinker has conceived the human nature. Those principles are related to a mechanical vision of the world in which the obedience to the sovereign is explained only as a need to conserve the life motion.
According to Hobbes’ view, transcendental values do not exist as a moral foundation like in Aristothelic-Tomist School, neither categorical imperative like in Kantian ethics; only the passions and the universal motion principle constitute the elements which make possible the logic of the political obligation in his theory.


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Alberto Jaramillo Rojas, Universidad Libre (Cali, Colombia)

    Profesor titular de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Libre de Cali (Colombia). Filósofo, especialista en pensamiento político contemporáneo y magister en Filosofía de la Universidad del Valle (Colombia). Abogado de la Universidad de San Buenaventura (Colombia). Ph.D en Derecho de la Universidad Externado de Colombia. Sus áreas de trabajo son la fundamentación filosófica y epistemológica del derecho, la teoría de los derechos fundamentales, la argumentación jurídica, la hermenéutica jurídica y los problemas del derecho contemporáneo.


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How to Cite

Jaramillo Rojas, C. A. (2022). Political Obligation as Prudential Obligation in the Political Philosophical Thought of Thomas Hobbes. Precedente Revista Jurídica, 21, 127-156. https://doi.org/10.18046/prec.v21.5183