Analysis of Crowdfunding as an Alternative Financing Method for the Recovery of Companies and the Colombian Economy Due to the Impact of COVID-19




Crowdfunding, COVID-19, Economic Recovery, SMEs


Crowdfunding is a mechanism through which individuals, legal entities, non-profit organizations, companies, funds, or any other kind of contractual or legal association collect financial resources to execute corporate, cultural, or social initiatives, among others. Depending on their type, they can be based on donations, rewards, investments (equity), or loans. Due to the global crisis of COVID-19, the national economy has been highly affected. Crowdfunding could contribute to its improvement, being used as an alternative for the collection of financial resources that allow the reactivation and even the growth of economic activity.


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Author Biography

  • Natalia Andrea Pérez Mancera, Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia)

    Abogada de la Universidad del Rosario (2019). Actualmente es candidata a Magister en Derecho con énfasis en derecho privado de la Universidad del Rosario.


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How to Cite

Pérez Mancera, N. A. (2021). Analysis of Crowdfunding as an Alternative Financing Method for the Recovery of Companies and the Colombian Economy Due to the Impact of COVID-19. Precedente Revista Jurídica, 20, 57-88.