A Rethinking of the Way of Understanding the Democratic Legitimacy of the Constitutional Judge Through the Exercise of the Public Power in his Charge





Democratic Legitimacy, Thesis of Constitutional Democratic Legitimacy, Constitutional Judge, Exercise of Public Power, Levels of Democratic Legitimacy


Democratic legitimacy is related to popular election and representativeness, as they are some of the most robust expressions of the value of self-government. Therefore, it has been argued that a constitutional judge cannot achieve such legitimacy. Thus, first, I propose a rethinking of the way of understanding democratic legitimacy only from a political dimension, through what I call the thesis of constitutional democratic legitimacy, which is composed of a procedural and a substantive dimension that accounts for both election and appointment processes, as well as the qualification of the exercise of public power by the holders of it; in this case, the constitutional judge. Second, I analyse the complexity of the exercise of public power by a constitutional judge since it represents the way to achieve his substantive democratic legitimacy. Both issues develop the hypothesis that there are two spheres of democratic legitimacy of the constitutional judge, where the substantive sphere of the same is linked to his exercise of public power. The paper concludes that the substantive democratic legitimacy of the constitutional judge through his exercise of public power is a dynamic issue, plausible, and dependent of different factors and conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to consider it in levels.


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Author Biography

  • Julio César Muñoz Mendiola, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Ciudad de México, Mexico)

    Licenciado y Maestro por la Facultad de Derecho de la UNAM (México). Abogado constitucionalista y coordinador del Observatorio de Jurisprudencia en el Laboratorio de Derecho y Desarrollo Sostenible.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Mendiola, J. C. (2021). A Rethinking of the Way of Understanding the Democratic Legitimacy of the Constitutional Judge Through the Exercise of the Public Power in his Charge. Precedente Revista Jurídica, 19, 79-107. https://doi.org/10.18046/prec.v19.4608