
Harish Sujan





1983 University of California at Los Angeles, Marketing (Strategy versus Effort: An Attributional Analysis of Salesperson Motivation)

(Co-advisors: Barton A. Weitz and Harold Kassarjian)


1975 Jamnalal Bajaj Institute, Bombay, Marketing

  1. Tech 1971 Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Chemical Engineering





2003-Present Professor of Marketing, Tulane

2001-2003 Associate Professor of Marketing, Tulane

1989-2001 Associate Professor of Marketing, Penn State

1983-1989 Assistant Professor of Marketing, Penn State



1998 (January-June)Visiting Faculty, University of Florida

1995-2000 (summer)Visiting Faculty, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands 1991(March-May)Visiting Faculty, Duke University

1991 (January-March)Visiting Faculty, UCLA


1978-1979 Tata Consultancy Services, India

1975-1978 Citibank, India

1971-1973 Inalsa (DCM), India





I have two areas of interest. One is in sales management where my interest is in understanding how salespeople can be motivated to be more intelligent, to work smarter. This is in keeping with the perspective, taken from psychology, that intelligence is not a fixed entity. The other is in consumer behavior where my interest is in understanding how consumers can improve their wellbeing, take better care of their health. Again, my interest is focused on how motivation enables more intelligent habits and behaviors. The underpinnings of these interests are psychological theories of motivation and intelligence.


Sujan, Harish, (1986), “Smarterversus Harder: An Exploratory Attributional Analysis of Salesperson Motivation,” Journal of Marketing Research, 23 (February), 41-49. (WOS Cites=111)

Weitz, Barton A., Harish Sujan and Mita Sujan (1986), “Knowledge, Motivation and Adaptive Behavior: A Framework for Improving Selling Effectiveness,” Journal of Marketing, 50 (October), 174-191. (WOS Cites=304)

Sujan, Mita, James R. Bettman and Harish Sujan (1986), “Effects of Consumer Expectations on Information Processing in Selling Encounters,” Journal of Marketing Research, 23 (November), 346-353. (WOS Cites=65)

Sujan Harish and Barton A. Weitz (1986), “Sales Training: The Psychology of Motivation,” Marketing Communications, 11 (January) 24-28.

Sujan, Harish (1988), “Communicating Effectively to Consumers through Salespeople: A Look at Competent Salespeople,” Proceedings of the Association of Consumer Research Conference, 1987, Vol. 15, Michael J. Houston, ed., Provo:UT, Association for Consumer Research, 372-374.

Sujan, Harish, Mita Sujan and James R. Bettman (1988), “Knowledge Structures Differences Between More Effective and Less Effective Salespeople,” Journal of Marketing Research, 25 (February), 81-86. (WOS Cites=85)

Sujan, Harish, Mita Sujan and Barton A. Weitz (1988), “Increasing Sales Productivity by Getting Salespeople to Work Smarter,” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 8 (August), 9-20.

Murray, Noel, Harish Sujan, Edward Hirt and Mita Sujan (1990), “The Effects of Mood on Categorization: A Cognitive Flexibility Hypothesis,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, (September), 411-434. (WOS Cites=182)

Sujan, Harish, Mita Sujan and James R. Bettman (1991), “The Practical Know- How of Selling: Differences in Knowledge Content Between More Effective and Less Effective Sales Performers,” Marketing Letters, 2 (Vol. 4), 367-378.

Sujan, Harish, Barton A. Weitz and Nirmalya Kumar (1994),“Learning Orientation, Working Smart and Effective Selling,” Journal of Marketing (July), 39-52. (WOS Cites=306).


Zwick, Rami and Harish Sujan (1994), “Negotiation: An Interdisciplinary Approach,” Proceedings of the Association of Consumer Research Conference, 1993, Vol. 21, Chris T. Allen and Deborah Roedder John, eds., pp. 435.

Sujan, Harish and Mita Sujan (1994), “The Effects of Positive Mood and Optimism on Processing Flexibility,” Proceedings of the AsiaPacific Advances in Consumer Research Conference, 1994, Vol. 1, Joseph A. Cote and Siew Meng Leong, eds., pp.122-126.

Sujan, Harish and Venkatapparao Mummalaneni (1995), “Introduction to the Special Issue: Salesperson Psychology,” Psychology and Marketing, 12 (No. 4).239-242.

Sujan, Harish (1995), “The Maintenance of Positive Self-Evaluations: In Search of a Motive Underlying Some Consumption Behaviors,” Proceedings of the Association of Consumer Research Conference, 1994, Vol. 22, Frank Kardes and Mita Sujan, eds., pp. 113

Sujan, Harish (1995), “Styles of Thinking: A Bridge Between Personality and Cognition,” Proceedings of the Association of Consumer Research Conference, 1994, Vol. 22, Frank Kardes and Mita Sujan, eds., pp. 428-429.

Devos, Bart and Harish Sujan (1996), “In Search of the Excellent Salesperson,” Proceedings of the Marketing Science Conference, 1996, Steven M. Shugan and Barton A. Weitz eds.

Sujan, Harish and Robert J. Sternberg (1996), “If We Don’t Think Alike: A Study of Salespeople’s Relationships with their Buyers,” Proceedings of the Marketing Science Conference, 1996, Steven M. Shugan andBartonA. Weitz eds.

Sujan, Mita, Harish Sujan, Th. M.M. Verhallen and Cees De Bont (1996), “Autobiographical Anticipations: Implications for New Product Concept Testing,” Proceedings of the European Marketing Academy Conference 1996, Jozsef Beracs ed.

Sujan, Harish (1997), “Influence Professionals,” Proceedings of the Association of Consumer Research Conference, 1996, Vol. 24, Merrie Brucks and Deborah McGuiness eds.

Sujan, Harish, “Commentary: Extending the Learned Helplessness Paradigm: A Critique of Schulman’s Learned Optimism (1999),” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 19 (No. 1), 39-42.

Wagner, Richard K., Harish Sujan, Mita Sujan, Carol Rashotte and Robert J. Sternberg (1999), “Tacit Knowledge in Sales,” in Tacit Knowledge in Professional Practice, editors Robert J. Sternberg and Joseph A. Horvath, 155-183.

Sujan, Mita, Harish Sujan, James R. Bettman and Theo M.M. Verhallen, “Sources of Consumer Stress and Their Coping Strategies (1999),” Proceedings of the European Association for Consumer Research Conference, editors Tina Lowrey and Marc Vanhule.


Sujan, Harish, “Optimism and Street-Smarts: Identifying and Improving Salesperson Intelligence (1999),” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 19 (No. 3).

Cooke, Alan, Harish Sujan, Mita Sujan and Barton A. Weitz (2002), “Marketing the Unfamiliar: The Role of Context and Item-Specific Information in Electronic Agent Recommendations.” Journal of Marketing Research, November, 39, 488-497. (WOS Cites=45).

Cranage, David A., and Harish Sujan (2004), “Customer choice: A Pre-Emptive Strategy to Buffer the Effects of Service Failure and Improve Customer Loyalty. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 28 (1), 3-20.

Douglas J. Dalrymple and Harish Sujan (2004). Sales Management Simulation (6th edition).John Wiley, New York.

Mowen, John C. and Harish Sujan (2005), “Volunteer Behavior: A Hierarchical Model Approach for Investigating Its Trait and Functional Motives Antecedents,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15 (No. 2), 170. (WOS Cites=45)

Cron, William L., Grew W. Marshall, Jagdip Singh, Rosann L. Spiro and Harish Sujan (2005), “Salesperson Selection, Training and Development: Trends, Implications and Research Opportunities,” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 25 (No. 2), 123. (Google Cites=37).

Cranage, David A., Harish Sujan and Geoffrey Godbey (2006), “Sharing with your Customer the Responsibility for Poor Service: The Effects of Informed Choice and Foreseeability on Customer Loyalty,” Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing, Vol 13 (3/4), 207-239.

Castano, Raquel, Mita Sujan, Manish Kacker and Harish Sujan (2008), “Managing Uncertainty in the Adoption of Really New Products: Temporal Distance and Mental Simulation,” The Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 45, (June), 320-336. (WOS Cites=42).

Raquel Castano, Mita Sujan, Manish Kacker and Harish Sujan (2009), “Preparing for the Adoption of the New Arrival,” Marketing Intelligence Review,November 2.

Bradford Kevin, Steven Brown, Shankar Ganesan, Gary Hunter, Vincent Onyemah, Robert Palmatier, Dominique Rouziès, Rosann Spiro, Harish Sujan and Barton Weitz (2010), “ The Embedded Sales Force: Connecting Buying and Selling Organizations,” Marketing Letters, Vol 21 (Sept), 239-253. (WOS Cites=19).

Sujan, Harish (2011), “Salespeople’s Influence on Consumers’ and Business Buyers’ Goals and Well-Being,” in The Oxford Handbook of Strategic Sales and Sales Management (eds. Davod W. Cravens, Kenneth Le Meunier- FitzHugh, and Nigel F. Percy), Chapter 15, March, Oxford University Press, Oxford, England.

Sujan, Harish, Silvio Borrero and David Cranage (2014), “Good Treats: Eating Out not Just for Joy but also for Well-Being,” in Innovations in Service Marketing and Management: Strategies for Emerging Economies (ed. Anita Goyal), Chapter 7, Business Science Reference, IGI Global.


Hall, Zachary, Michael Ahearne, and Harish Sujan (2015), “The Importance of Starting Right: The Influence of Accurate Intuition on Performance in Salesperson-Customer Interactions,” The Journal of Marketing, 79 (May), 91-

  1. (WOS Cites=3).

Hall, Zachary, Michael Ahearne, and Harish Sujan (2016), “Can a Book be Judged Accurately only by its Cover?” Keller Center Research Report, 9 (March).




Sujan, Harish, “Optimism and Street Smarts: Identifying and Improving Salesperson Intelligence (1999),” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 19 (No. 3).

Awarded Best Paper of the Year.

Weitz, Barton A., Harish Sujan and Mita Sujan (1986), “Knowledge, Motivation and Adaptive Behavior: A Framework for Improving Selling Effectiveness,” Journal of Marketing, 50 (October), 174-191.

Ranked 5th among 10 best papers in sales in the 20th century at American Marketing Association Conference in August 2001.




Hall, Zachary, Harish Sujan and Michael Ahearne, “In Pursuit of Early Excellence: Improving the Performance of Rookie Salespeople through Skilled Intuition," This paper was rejected by the Journal of Marketing Research last year. It is being prepared for submission to either to the Journal of Applied Psychology or the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.

The paper reports on research that finds that the ability to read non-verbal cues and a learning goal motivational orientation allow rookie salespeople to develop intuitive accuracy early, suggesting that, while experience enables intuition, motivation and ability can compensate for the lack of experience.

Sujan, Harish, Mita Sujan, Edward Hirt and Tim Harlan, “Improving Eating Self- Regulation through Goal Identification and Intrinsic Appeal.” Being prepared for either the Journal of Consumer Research or the Journal of Consumer Psychology.

This research finds that wise eating choices are determined by a combination of being aware of the link between eating behavior and longer term goals and finding ways to make healthy eating more intrinsically attractive.

Chan, Elaine and Harish Sujan, “Learning to Achieve: Teaching Pessimists to Model the Strategies Optimists use when Tackling Difficult Goals.” Being prepared for the Journal of Consumer Psychology or Health Psychology.

Through an analysis of strategies used by Optimists to solve difficult anagrams and difficult diet goals, we evaluate if pessimists, when given these strategies, improve their performance.




Silvera, David and Harish Sujan, “When Managers Misjudge the Abilities of their Salespeople: Devaluing Mr. Brilliant and Overvaluing Mr. Mediocre.”

This research suggests that training can cause sales supervisors to under- evaluate their outstanding performers, from not recognizing that they are already at near-peak ability, and over-evaluate their mediocre performers, from attributing their performance changes more to their disposition than warranted.

Torres Salinas, Aldo S., Harish Sujan and Mita Sujan, “Social Affiliation and Customer Loyalty: The Effect of Attachment Styles and a Party Orientation on Freshman Student Attrition.”

Two studies investigate how social affiliation counters student attrition. The first evaluates secure and preoccupied attachment styles and their effect on coping through seeking social support. The second looks at the effect of a “party orientation”.

Borrero, Silvio, Harish Sujan, Mita Sujan, Timothy Harlan and Richard Ager, “Persuading Young Adults to Engage in Greater Physical Activity: From Proving it to Others to Proving it to Yourself,”

This research suggests that different appeals need to be used to motivate exercise depending on the stage of development of the target. With sedentary people proving it to others, or recognition, works better, while with active people proving it to yourself, or competence, works better.

Ruiz, Raul, Jaime Garcia, Harish Sujan and Mita Sujan, “The Practically Intelligent Business Student: Predicting Success at a Future Sales Job.”

Two studies investigate the effect of practical intelligence among undergraduate students on their ability to develop relationships as salespeople with their customers. The first evaluates the moderating influence of self-reliance and the second the moderating influence of a fight-flight motivational orientation versus a tend-befriend orientation.


“Smarter versus Harder: An Exploratory Attributional Analysis of the Motivation of Salespeople.” Presented in February 1985 at a MSI mini-conference.

“Knowledge, Motivation and Adaptive Behavior: A Framework for Improving Selling Effectiveness,” with Bart Weitz and Mita Sujan. Presented in February 1985 at a MSI mini-conference.

“Knowledge, Motivation and Adaptive Behavior: A Framework for Improving Selling Effectiveness,” with Bart Weitz and Mita Sujan. Presented in February 1985 at AMA Winter Conference in Phoenix.

“The Development of Selling Skills.” Presented in February 1986 at AMA Theory Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida .

“Attributions for Success and Failure and Salespeople’s Knowledge.” Presented in February 1987 at AMA Winter Conference in San Antonio, Texas.


“Motivation and Selling Knowledge,” Presented in October 1987 at ACR conference in Boston .

“Mood and Cognitive Structures: A Flexibility Hypothesis,” with Mita Sujan, Noel Murray and Ed Hirt. Presented in October1987 at ACR conference in Boston.

“Salespeople’s Feelings.” Presented in October 1987 at ACR conference in Boston.

“Motivation and Knowledge Development.” Presented in February 1989 at AMA Winter Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida.

“The Practical Know-How of Selling,” with Mita Sujan. Presented in May, 1991 at EMAC Conference in Dublin.

“Consumers’ Evaluations of Persuasion Agents,” with Jan-Benedict Steenkamp.

Presented at Euro-ACR in Amsterdam, June 1992.

“The Effects of Optimism and Happy Mood in Sales Negotiations,” with Rami Zwick and Timothy Graeff. Presented at CRCN (Center for Research in Conflict and Negotiation) meeting, September, 1993 at Penn State University.

“The Effects of Optimism and Happy Mood in Sales Negotiations,” with Rami Zwick and Timothy Graeff.Presented at ACR in Nashville, October 1993.

“Learning Orientation, Working Smarter and Effective Selling,” with Barton A. Weitz and Nirmalya Kumar. Presented at Society for Consumer Psychology, APA, St. Petersburg, Florida, February 1994.

“The Effects of Positive Mood and Optimism on Processing Flexibility,” with Mita Sujan.Presented at Asia ACR, Singapore, June 1994.

“Cognitive Busyness: Understanding the Misapplication of Schemas by Consumers,” with Subramanian Sivaramakrishnan. Presented at APA, Los Angeles, August 1994.

“Using Consumption to Alleviate Loneliness,” with Rik Pieters. Presented at ACR, Boston, October 1994.

“Thinking Styles in Sales” with Robert J. Sternberg. Presented at ACR, Boston, October 1994.

“In Search of the Excellent Salesperson,” with Bart Devos. Presented at Marketing Science, Gainseville, Florida, March 1996.

“If We Don’t Think Alike: A Study of Salespeople’s Relationships with their Buyers,” with Robert J. Sternberg. Presented at Marketing Science, Gainseville, Florida, March 1996.

“Autobiographical Anticipations: Implications for New Product Concept Testing,” with Mita Sujan, Th. M.M. Verhallen and Cees De Bont. Presented at European Marketing Academy Conference, Budapest, Hungary, May 1996.

“Coping With Stress: Decision Making Strategies of High and Low Self- Efficacious Consumers,” with Jim Bettman, Mita Sujan and Mary Francis Luce. Presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Tuscon, Arizona, October 1996.


“Correcting Negative Salesperson Stereotypes,” with Subramanian Sivaramakrishnan. Presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Tuscon, Arizona, October 1996.

“New Product Concept Testing: A Comparison of Analytical and Simulation Methods,” Presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 1977.

“New Product Concept Testing: A Comparison of Analytical and Simulation Methods,” Presented at the Marketing Science Conference, Insead, Fontainbleau, France, July, 1998.

“Round Table on Regret,” Participated in this round table discussion organized by Lisa Abendroth at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Montreal, Canada, October, 1998.

“Coping Flexibility: An Examination of Salespeople Ability to Deal with Stress,” with Mita Sujan and Theo Verhallen, Presented at the One World, One Market Conference, New Delhi, India, December 1998.

“Task Simplicity and Commission Payments: Ways for Sales Managers to Dampen Learning Goals,” with Manish Kacker, Presented at the One World, One Market Conference, New Delhi, India, December 1998.

“Believing that People’s PersonalitiesChange: A Way to Insure Against the Damaging Effects of Cognitive Busyness,” with Subbu Sivaramakrishnan, Presented at the Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, St. Pete, Florida, February 1999.

“Sources of Consumer Stress and Their Coping Strategies,” with Mita Sujan, James R. Bettman and Theo M.M. Verhallen, Presented at European Association for Consumer Research Conference, Paris, France, June 1999.

“Marketing the Unfamiliar: The Role of Context in Electronic Agent Evaluations.” With Alan Cooke, Mita Sujan and Barton A. Weitz, Association for Consumer Research Conference, Columbus, Ohio, October 1999.

“Studying Optimism in Consumer and Salesperson Research,” Society for Consumer Psychology, San Antonio, Texas, February, 2000.

“Why Web Hits do not Translate Into Sales: An Information Processing Perspective.” With Mita Sujan, Alan Cooke, Bart Weitz, Conference on Customer Relationship Management, Management Development Institute, Gurgoan, India, November, 2000.

“Volunteering and Buying: It is the Reasons that Matter.” With John Mowen, Society for Consumer Psychology, Scottsdale, AZ, February, 2001.

“Cross Cultural Differences in Attributional Styles for Success and Failure.” With Mita Sujan. Global Marketing Conference at Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India, December 2001.

“Femininity: A Desirable Trait For Salespeople,” with Tarun Gupta. Research in Marketing Conference at the Indian Business School, Hyderabad, India, December 2002.


“Cross Selling on the Internet: Implications for Information Quantity and Quality,” with Mita Sujan. Global Management Conference, Bangalore, India, December 2002.

“Should Not Salespeople who are Already Working Hard Motivate Themselves to Work Smarter? The Effects of Effort and Strategy Attributions for Failure,” presented at the 2nd Florida State University International Symposium on Attribution Theory, February 2004.

“Selecting Sales Personnel,” Sales Management Summit at the University of Houston, sponsored by the American Marketing Association and the Program for Excellence in Selling at the University of Houston, May 2004.

“Doing Too Much or Too Little to Recovery from Product Failure: A Comparison of Optimistic and Pessimistic Customers’ Responses,” with Meryl Gardner and David Cranage, American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 2005.

"Consumers’ Responses to Recovery Strategies: A Contingent Perspective on Whether Optimism or Pessimism is Adaptive,” with Meryl Gardner and David Cranage, 13th European Conference on Personality, Athens-Greece, July 2006.

“Revising Negative Initial Judgments of Salespeople: The Role of Implicit Theories in Overcoming the Perils of Active Listening,” with Subramanium Sivaramakrishnan and Mita Sujan, Association for Consumer Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, October 2006.

“It is All in How You Look at It—The Impact of Having an Incremental or Entity Theory on Consumer Behavior,” Discussant Comments at this session at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Orlando, Florida, October 2006.

“Optimism and Recovery from Product Failure: When Does Giving the Customer a Gift Backfire?” with Meryl Gardner and David Cranage, IIMT and Oxford Brooks International Services Management Conference, New Delhi, India, June 2007.

“Cross Cultural Empathy and Selling Effectiveness: An Integration,” Academy of Marketing Science, Multi-Cultural Conference, New Orleans, January 2008.

“Self-Regulation Among Consumers: An Integration,” Academy of Marketing Science, Multi-Cultural Conference, New Orleans, January 2008.

“The Happiness to Entropy Ratio: The High Efficiency of Gratitude,” Presentation at the Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, New Orleans, February 2008.

“Countering Poor Leadership through Tacit Knowledge and a Learning Orientation: A Study of Salesperson Job Satisfaction,” with Manish Kacker. Presented at the first annual Erin Anderson Conference at the Wharton School, Philadelphia, October 2008.

“The Practically Intelligent Business Student: Predicting Success at a Future Sales Job,” with Ruiz, Raul, Jaime Garcia, Mita Sujan and Manish Kacker. Presented at the Sales Excellence Institute Conference, Houston, April 2009.


“The Effects of Training on Sales Supervisors’ Evaluation of Ability,” with David Silvera and Justin Goss, Division 23, American Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, Ca, August 2009.

“Gratitude Among Consumers: Too Much or Too Little?” Division 23, American Psychological Association Conference, Toronto, Ca, August 2009.

“The Practically Intelligent Business Student: Predicting Success at a Future Sales Job,” with Ruiz, Raul, Jaime Garcia, Mita Sujan and Manish Kacker. Presented at 1st NASMEI-Great Lakes Conference, Chennai, India, December 2009.

“The Practically Intelligent Business Student: Predicting Success at a Future Sales Job,” with Ruiz, Raul, Jaime Garcia, Mita Sujan and Manish Kacker. Presented at LARC, New Orleans, March 2010.

“Motivating an End to Sedentary Student Life: Balancing Recognition with Competence for Optimal Change,” with Silvio Borrero, LARC, New Orleans, March 2010.

“Optimism and Retail Recovery: Enhancing a Quick Fix through an Appropriate Choice of Gift.” With Meryl Gardner and David Cranage, International Conference on Service Management, May 2011.

“Optimism and Retail Recovery: Enhancing a Quick Fix through an Appropriate Choice of Gift.” With Meryl Gardner and David Cranage, APA Division 23, August 2011.

“Evaluating the Effectiveness of Doctors as Salespeople: The Motivating Effect of Patient-Physician Interactions.” With Tim Harlan, Denise Buhrau and Mita Sujan, Academy of Marketing Science, May 2012.

“Evaluating the Effectiveness of Doctors as Salespeople: The Motivating Effect of Patient-Physician Interactions.” With Tim Harlan, Denise Buhrau and Mita Sujan, NASMEI Great Lakes Conference, Chennai, India, December 2012.

“The Effects of Practical Intelligence on Relationship Management,” with Raul Ruiz, Mita Sujan and Manish Kacker, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA, January 2013.

“An Evaluation of the Effects of Attachment Styles on Student Attrition,” with Aldo Salinas, Mita Sujan and Manish Kacker, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA, January 2013.

“Persuading Young Adults to Engage in Greater Physical Activity: From Proving it to Others to Proving it to Yourself,” with Silvio Borrero, Mita Sujan, Timothy Harlan and Richard Ager, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA, January 2013.

“Regaining the Loyalty of Customers Following the Sale of a Defective Product: The Effect of a Traditional and a Problem-Solving Gift on Optimists and Pessimists.” With Meryl Gardner and David Cranage, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA, January 2013.

“When Managers Misjudge the Abilities of their Salespeople: Devaluing Mr.

Brilliant and Overvaluing Mr. Mediocre.” With David Silvera, Sales Thought Leadership Conference, Columbia University, New York, June 2014.


“Accurately Perceiving Salespeople: Customers without Learning Goals,” with Subramanian Sivaramakrishnan,” Sales Though Leadership Conference, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, June 2015.

“Skilled Intuition and Selling Performance: A Structured Abstract,” with Zachary Hall and Michael Ahearne, Academy of Marketing Science Conference, Lake Buena, Florida, May 2016.




The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, October 1985 --“Smarter Versus Harder: An Exploratory Attributional Analysis of Salesperson Motivation.”

University of Florida, October 1985 -- “Smarter Versus Harder:An Exploratory Attributional Analysis of Salesperson Motivation.”

Indiana University, May 1986 -- “Research Overview.”

Indiana University, November 1986 -- “Intrinsic Orientations, Working Smart, and Effective Selling.”

UCLA, August 1988 -- “Stages in the Development of Salesperson Expertise.”

INSEAD, June 1990 -- “Stages in the Development of Salesperson Expertise.” UCLA,March1991--“OptimismandGreatExpectations: BenefitingFrom

Positive Events.”

University of Michigan, 1991 -- “Optimism and Great Expectations: Benefiting From Positive Events.”

Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium, 1993 -- “Learning Orientation, Working Smarter and Effective Selling.”

Catholic University, Leuven, Belgium, 1995 -- “Optimism and Great Expectations: Benefiting From Positive Events.”

Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1995 -- “If We Don’t Think Alike: Researching Thinking Styles in Consumer and Salesperson Research.”

Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1995 -- “Learning Orientations, Intrinsic Motivation, and Working Smart: Researching This Among Salespeople and Consumers.”

Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1995 -- “Motivating Greater Expectations Through Optimism: Researching Positive Illusions Among Consumer and Salesperson Research.”

Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1996 -- “The Practical Know-How of Research: Tips for Being an Effective Publisher.”

University of Arizona, 1996 – “Optimism and Great Expectations.”

University of Florida, 1999 – “Informed Choice, Foreseeability and Recovery from Service Failure.”

Tilburg University, 2000 – “Informed Choice, Foreseeability and Recovery from Service Failure.”


University of Illinois, 2001 – “Informed Choice, Foreseeability and Recovery from Service Failure.”

University of Central Florida, 2001 – “Informed Choice, Foreseeability and Recovery from Service Failure.”

Tulane University, 2001 – “Informed Choice, Foreseeability and Recovery from Service Failure.”

University of Houston, 2002 – “Countering Contradictory Leadership with Practical Intelligence: Motivating Flow among Salespeople.”

University of Delaware, 2007 - “Customers at Risk for Disloyalty: Understanding the Effect of Intrinsic Motivation (Free Choice) and Attachment Styles (An Ability)onFreshmenStudent Attrition.”



Aging Interest Group, November 2011, “Savoring the Moment and Good Health.”

Health Policy Working Group, March 2012, “Motivating Better Eating and Exercising and How Doctors Should Talk.”

Gandhi Colloquium, English Department, March 2012, “Gandhian Marketing: Taking while Giving.”





Guest Editor (with Venkat Mummalaneni) of a special issue (July/August 1995) of Psychology and Marketing on Salesperson Psychology

Section Editor of AMS Review (formerly Journal of Consumer and Marketing Research), section on Personal Selling and Sales Management (from 1997 to 1999).



Psychology and Marketing, from 1995

Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, from 1995 Marketing Letters, from 2012

Journal of Marketing from 2014

Member of the Scientific Committee- Journal Estudios Gerenciales, from 2012


Association for Consumer Research Conference, 1994 and 1997.


American Marketing Association Conference, 1998 and 1999.


Journal of Consumer Research, from 1983 Journal of Marketing, from 1986

Journal of Marketing Research, from 1986


Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, from 1986 Journal of Retailing, from 1988

Association of Consumer Research Conference, from 1984

American Marketing Association (Summer/Winter) Conferences, from 1984 European Marketing Academy Conference, from 1994.

American Marketing Association, Doctoral Dissertation Competition, from 1994. Marketing Science Institute, Dissertation Competition, from1995.

Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, from 2001 International Journal for Research in Marketing, from 2002





Subramanian Sivaramakrishnan (1995), “Consumers’ Perceptions of Salespeople:The Dysfunctional Effect of Cognitive Busyness.”

Altsech, Moses (1996), “Evaluating the Creativity of Advertisements.”

Cranage, David (1999), “The Effect of Informed Choice and Foreseeability on Customer Loyalty:A Study of the Hospitality Industry.”

Ruiz, Raul (2009), “Collectivism and Group Performance: Individualists Don’t Need Practical Knowledge?”

Jaime Garcia (2009), “The Motivation to Tend and Befriend: How to Make Tacit Knowledge or Practical Intelligence Explicit?” (Received an Award for his Thesis)

Torres Salinas, Aldo S (2009), “The Effect of Attachment Styles on Seeking Social Support: A Study of Brand Loyalty from the Standpoint of Freshman Student Attrition.”

Silvio Borerro (2011), “Proving it to Others or Proving it to you: Motivating Students to Initiate and Develop Healthy Levels of Physical Activity using Extrinsic and Intrinsic Appeals.”

German Castellanos (2012), “Enhancing Persuasion Through Sampling: The Effect of Sampling Everyday and Extraordinary Tasting Fruit on Eating Behavior of People Low and High in Savoring.”.



Phil Titus (1987)

Noel Murray (1989)

John Howard (1989)

Tim Graeff (1989)

Kit Aiken, Psychology (1996) Diane Philips (1997)

Parathasarathy Krishnamurthy (1997) Renne Ritter, Psychology (1998)

Ravi Pandit, Hotel and Restaurant Management (2001) Raquel Castano (2005)

Zachary Hall, University of Houston (2013)






Capstone Marketing. Sales Management.



Sales Management.

Marketing Cases/ Marketing Strategy

Design and Applications in Behavioral Research in Marketing




Sales Management.



Sales Management.



Sales Management.



Intro Marketing. Sales Management.

Marketing Strategy/Cases




Behavioral Research in Marketing Consumer Behavior

Human Motivational Applied



Consumer Behavior






Coordinating Speaker Series. Running Alumni Relations Committee.

Advising undergraduate students’ Marketing Association. Ph.D. Committee.


Recruiting Committee. Computer Policy Committee.

Research Initiation Grants Committee.



Served as Area Coordinator for Information Systems and Decision Sciences Area Served on MBA Committee

Served on Senate Committee for Teaching Quality

Served on Faculty Tenure, Freedom and Responsibility Committee. Served on Promotion and Tenure Committee

Served on Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Managing and Developing a Behavioral Laboratory Coordinating Speaker Series

Advising Local Chapter of the American Marketing Association Developing a Doctoral Program in Marketing

Served as a University Senator

Assisted Undergraduate Admissions by Volunteering to Meet Parents of Potential Freshmen Students

Assisted Service Learning by Arranging for a University Spokesperson to Speak at the Society for Consumer Psychology Conference

Helped Initiate an Interdisciplinary Research Program between Marketing and the Medical School, including Public Health.

Served on Committee of Committees

Served on Faculty Handbook Rewriting Committee. Served on General Education Requirements Committee. Served on the Honorary Degree Awards Committee

Organized Division 23 APA conference, for the Society for Consumer Psychology, 2009. Inter-disciplinary seminar on attachment styles, January 2013.



For the North American Society for Marketing Education in India: Seminar for Ph.D. students in marketing in India.

For agencies in India such as the Advertising Club of Bombay and The Bombay Management Association: Lectured on different topics.

For the Jamnalal Bajaj Institute in Bombay: Lectured to Ph. D. and MBA students.

For the Management Development Institute in Gurgaon (Delhi), conducted a PhD seminar on Volunteerism and lectured to MBA students on sales management.




American Marketing Association Association for Consumer Research American Psychological Society American Psychological Association