
Eduardo Lora


Researcher in Economic Development Policies





Current activities:

  • Senior Research     Fellow,     Center     for    International      Development,      Harvard University
  • President of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, LACEA
  • Regular Columnist for Dinero (Colombia) since 1996
  • Member of the editorial board of Estudios Gerenciales (ICESI, Cali, Colombia).


Former positions:

  • Chief Economist and General Manager of the Research Department (a.i.), Inter- American Development Bank, (USA), 2008-2012
  • Senior Economist  and  Principal  Advisor  of  the  Research  Department,  Inter- American Development Bank, (USA), 1996-2008
  • Executive Director of Fedesarrollo (Colombia), Colombia, 1991-1996
  • Researcher and  Deputy  Director  of  Fedesarrollo  (Colombia),  1984-1988,  and




  • Distinguished Alumnus of the London School of Economics, 1995
  • Simon Bolívar Fellow by the British Council, 1989
  • First recipient  of  the  Lauchlin  Currie  Scholarship  by  Banco  de  la  República (Colombia),





  • Associate Member of Antony's College, Oxford University, 1989
  • Master of Science in Economics, London School of Economics, 1982
  • Bachelor of Economics (honors), Universidad Nacional de Colombia,




  • Fiscal policies: tax policies, fiscal institutions, labor effects of taxes
  • Quality of life: health perceptions, job conditions, monitoring of quality of urban life
  • Labor markets: effects of trade and taxes on employment and wages, labor income inequality, economic mobility, gender issues, pension systems
  • Institutions: state reform, political economy of reforms, public





  • Main author (or editor) of over 30 books, including 4 textbooks and 5 issues of the flagship publication of the Inter-American Development Bank
  • Over 20 chapters in other edited volumes
  • 18 articles in refereed journals
  • Nearly 50 articles in non-refereed journals and working paper







Técnicas de medición económica: metodología y aplicaciones en Colombia. Bogotá:, ICESI, fifth edition online 2016, coauthored with Sergio Prada (first edition 1987, second edition 1991, third edition 2005, fourth edition, 2008).


La realidad latinoamericana: una introducción a los problemas y políticas del desarrollo económico y social. Virtual Course in 24 Lessons. Coordinator and main author. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2012.






Desempleo Femenino en Colombia. Coeditor with Luis Eduardo Arango and Francesca Castellani, and author or Overview chapter. Bogotá: Banco de la República and Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, 2016.


The Role of Entrepreneurship in Promoting Social Mobility in Latin America. Coeditor with Francesca Castellani. Latin American Development Forum Series. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank, 2014.


More than Revenue. Taxation as a Development Tool. Coordinator and co-author (with Ana Corbacho and Vicente Fretes Cibils). Development in the Americas series. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, and Cambridge, MA: DRCLAS/Harvard University, 2013.


The Quality of Life in Latin American Cities: Markets and Perception. Coauthored with Andrew Powell, Bernard M. S. van Praag, and Pablo Sanguinetti. Latin American Development Forum series. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank, 2010.


Consecuencias imprevistas de la Constitución de 1991: la influencia de la política en las políticas económicas. Coedited with Carlos Scartascini. Bogotá: Alfaomega, 2009.


Paradox and Perception: Measuring Quality of Life in Latin America. Coedited with Carol Graham. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2009.


Beyond Facts: Understanding Quality of Life. Coordinator. Development in the Americas series. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, and Cambridge, MA: DRCLAS/Harvard University, 2008.


The State of State Reform in Latin America. Editor. Latin American Development Forum series. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank, and Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2007. Also published in Spanish under the title, El estado de las reformas del Estado en América Latina, Washington, DC: World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank, and Bogotá: Mayol Ediciones, 2007.


Is Geography Destiny? Lessons from Latin America. Coauthored with John Luke Gallup and Alejandro Gaviria. Latin American Development Forum series. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, and Washington, DC: World Bank, 2003. Also published in Portuguese under the title, Geografia é destino? Lições da América Latina, São Paulo: Editora UNESP, and Washington, DC: World Bank, 2007; and in Spanish under the title, América Latina: ¿condenada por su geografía? Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, and Bogotá: Alfaomega, 2003.





“Do Good Job Conditions Matter for Wages and Productivity? Theory and Evidence from Latin America”, Applied Research in Quality of Life, Springer, International Society for Quality of Life Studies, vol. 12(1), pp/153-172.


“Employment and Taxes in Latin America: An Empirical Study of the Effects of Payroll, Corporate Income and Value-Added Taxes on Labor Incomes”, with Johanna Fajardo, Revista Cuadernos de Economía, UN-RCE-CID, 2016, vol. 35, pp. 75-117.


“The Distance bteween Perception and Reality in the Social Domains of Life”, Handbook of Happiness Research in Latin America, Springer Netherlands, 2016, pp. 531-555.


“Using Life Satisfaction Data to Identify Urban Problems, Prioritize Public Expenditures and Monitor the Quality of Urban Life”, Handbook of Happiness Research in Latin America, Springer Netherlands, 2016, pp. 273-294.


“New Insights about Wage Inequality in Colombia”, with Andrés Gómez-Liévano and Juan Téllez, Policy Journal, Harvard University, 2016.


“Is Entrepreneurship a Channel of Social Mobility in Latin America?”, with Francesca Castellani, Latin American Journal of Economics, Vo. 51, No. 21, November, 2014.


“Latin American Middle Classes: The Distance between Perception and Reality”, with Johanna Fajardo, Economia, Fall 2013, pp. 33-60.


“Health Perceptions in Latin America”, Health Policy and Planning

doi: 10.1093/heapol/czr078. (First published online: December 24, 2011.)


"Which Health Conditions Cause the Most Unhappiness?", with Carol Graham and Lucas Higuera, Health Economics, Vol. 20, No. 12, pp. 1431–1447, December 2011.


“Face-to-Face with Productivity”, with Carmen Pagés, Finance & Development, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 16–19, March 2011.


“La formación de los economistas en América Latina”, with Hugo Ñopo, Revista de Análisis Económico (Economic Analysis Review), Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 65–93, December 2009.


“La vulnerabilidad fiscal del gasto social: ¿es diferente América Latina?”, Revista de Análisis Económico, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 3–20, June 2009.


“Public Debt and Social Expenditure: Friends or Foes?”, with Mauricio Olivera, Emerging Markets Review, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 299–310, December 2007.


“Should Latin America Fear China?”, China Finance Review. 2007.


"Why So Small? Explaining the Size of Firms in Latin America", with Ana María Herrera,

The World Economy, Vol. 28, No. 7, July 2005.


“The  Electoral  Consequences  of  the  Washington  Consensus”,  with  Mauricio  Olivera,

Economía, Vol. 5, No. 2, Spring 2005.


“¿Debe la América Latina temerle a China?”, El Trimestre Económico, Vol. 72, No. 287, pp.

459–493, July-September 2005.


“What Makes Reforms Likely: Political Economy Determinants of Reforms in Latin America”, with Mauricio Olivera, Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 99–135, May 2004.


“Reform Fatigue: Symptoms, Reasons, and Implications”, with Ugo Panizza and Myriam Quispe-Agnoli, Economic Review, No. 2, pp. 1–28, second quarter 2004.






“The Distance between Perception and Reality in the Social Domains of Life”, in Mariano Rojas, ed., Handbook of Happiness Research in Latin America, Springer, forthcoming.


“Using Life Satisfaction Data to Identify Urban Problems, Prioritize Local Public Expenditures and Monitor the Quality of Urban Life”, in Mariano Rojas, ed., Handbook of Happiness Research in Latin America, Springer, forthcoming.


“The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Growth, Employment, and Wages.” Chapter 15 in José Antonio Ocampo and Jaime Ros, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Economics. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.


“Washington Consensus.” Entry in Kenneth A. Reinert, Ramkishen S. Rajan, Amy Joycelyn Glass, Lewis S. Davis, eds., The Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009.


“El futuro de los pactos fiscales en América Latina.” Chapter 3 in José Luis Machinea and Narcís Serra, eds., Hacia un nuevo pacto social: políticas económicas para un desarrollo integral en América Latina. Santiago: ECLAC and Fundación CIDOB, 2008.


“La reforma de las instituciones fiscales en América Latina.” With Mauricio Cárdenas, Chapter 6 in José Luis Machinea and Narcís Serra, eds., Visiones del desarrollo en América Latina. Santiago: ECLAC and Fundación CIDOB, 2007.


“Should Latin America Fear China?” Chapter 1 in Javier Santiso, ed., The Visible Hand of China in Latin America. Development Centre Studies. Paris: OECD, 2007.


“State Reform and Inclusion: Changing Channels and New Actors.” With Juan Camilo Chaparro, Chapter 4 in Inter-American Development Bank, ed., Outsiders? The Changing Patterns of Exclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean. Economic and Social Progress in Latin America: 2008 Report. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2007.


“Debt and Development.” With Ugo Panizza, Chapter 10 in Inter-American Development Bank, ed., Living with Debt: How to Limit the Risks of Sovereign Finance.. Economic


and  Social  Progress  in  Latin  America:  2007  Report..  Washington,  DC:  Inter- American Development Bank, 2006.


“The Art of Tax Policies.” With Mauricio Cárdenas and Valerie Mercer-Blackman, Chapter 8 in Inter-American Development Bank, ed., The Politics of Policies. Economic and Social Progress in Latin America: 2006 Report. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, and Cambridge, MA: DRCLAS/Harvard University, 2005.


“Foundations of Housing Finance.” With Arturo Galindo, Chapter 15 in Inter-American Development Bank, ed., Unlocking Credit: The Quest for Deep and Stable Bank Lending. Economic and Social Progress in Latin America: 2005 Report. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2004.


“Changing Patterns in the Supply of Labor.” Chapter 3 in Inter-American Development Bank, ed., Good Jobs Wanted: Labor Markets in Latin America. Economic and Social Progress in Latin America: 2004 Report. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2003.


“The Effects  of  Structural Reforms  on  Employment and  Wages.”  Chapter 5  in  Inter- American Development Bank, ed., Good Jobs Wanted: Labor Markets in Latin America. Economic and Social Progress in Latin America: 2004 Report. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2003.


“Labor Market Regulations and Institutions.” With Carmen Pagés, Chapter 7 in Inter- American Development Bank, ed., Good Jobs Wanted: Labor Markets in Latin America. Economic and Social Progress in Latin America: 2004 Report. Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2003.


“Perspectivas del desarrollo económico colombiano: los retos del gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez.” Seminar paper in Fundación Ideas para la Paz, Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies, and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, eds., Conflicto y paz en Colombia: consecuencias y perspectivas para el futuro. Ponencias del seminario. Libros de cambio series. Bogotá: Alfaomega, 2004.






“The Relation between Human Resource Management Practices, Job Satisfaction and Labor Productivity: Evidence from Cross-country and Individual-Level Data”, with Juan Camilo Chaparro, Unpublished Research Report, 2013. Presented at LACEA 2013.


“Structural Reforms in Latin America: What Has Been Reformed and How to Measure It (Updated Version)”, Working Paper No. 346, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, 2012. (Previous version: 2001).



"Employment and Taxes in Latin America: An Empirical Study of the Effects of Payroll, Corporate Income and Value-Added Taxes on Labor Outcomes", with Johanna Fajardo, Research Department Publications 4791, Inter-American Development Bank.


“¿Hay un sesgo antilaboral de los impuestos en América Latina?”, with Johanna Fajardo, Fajardo, Research Department Publications 4805, Inter-American Development Bank.


“A New Way of Monitoring the Quality of Urban Life”, with Andrew Powell, UNU-WIDER Working Paper No. 12, The United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER), Helsinki, 2011.


“How Will the Food Price Shock Affect Inflation in Latin America and the Caribbean?”, with Andrew Powell and Pilar Tavella, RES Working Paper No. 4719, Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, 2011.


“The Conflictive Relationship between Satisfaction and Income”, with Juan Camilo Chaparro, Working Paper No. 642, Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, 2008.


“Public Investment in Infrastructure in Latin America: Is Debt the Culprit?”, Working Paper No. 595, Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, 2007.


“The Fiscal Vulnerability of Social Public Expenditure: Is Latin America Different?”, Working Paper No. 597, Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC, 2007.


Last updated: April, 2017