Evaluation of the perception and application of social responsibility practices in micro, small and medium companies in Barranquilla. An analysis from the theory of Stakeholders


  • Guillén León Professor, International Business and Finance Program, Universidad Autónoma del Caribe, Barranquilla, Colombia
  • Hamadys L. Benavides Gutiérrez Researcher, Quantil, Bogotá, Colombia
  • José María Castán Farrero Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain




Factor analysis, Barranquilla, MSMEs, Social responsibility, Stakeholders


The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the degree of comprehension and enforcement of social responsibility (SR) practices in micro, small and medium companies in Barranquilla (Colombia), based on the Stakeholders theory. Using an exploratory factor analysis on 779 companies it was found that the variables with a stronger explanatory influence for socially responsible performance are employees, environment, and community. By contrast, corporate management, value chain, and government/public sector condition the development of SR actions. Particularly, there is a weak perception and lack of will among owners and company managers to undertake comprehensive programs of social responsibility, as well as the formalization of those actions with an impact on the SR.


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Evaluation of the perception and application of social responsibility practices in micro, small and medium companies in Barranquilla. An analysis from the theory of Stakeholders. (2017). Estudios Gerenciales, 33(144), 261-270. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.estger.2017.08.003