The impact of intermediaries agents on the process of cooperation to innovate: The moderating role of company size




innovation, intermediation roles, cooperation, cooperation objectives


Intermediaries have been recognized as key agents to promote articulation among actors within innovation systems. This article empirically evaluated the effect of different types of intermediaries on the establishment of collaboration agreements between companies and other actors. Additionally, the moderating effect of firm size is analyzed. The analysis is carried out on a sample of 2059 companies, derived from the Survey of Technological Development and Innovation in Colombia. The results of the regression analysis show that the relationship of companies with intermediaries has a positive influence on the establishment of cooperation agreements. Likewise, the importance of intermediaries varies according to the cooperation objective pursued and is moderated by firm size.


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Research articles

How to Cite

The impact of intermediaries agents on the process of cooperation to innovate: The moderating role of company size. (2022). Estudios Gerenciales, 38(162), 2-16.