Post-SARS-CoV-2 energy market: Structural relationship of its critical factors


  • Fernando Lámbarry-Vilchis Investigador, Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Ciudad de México, México.
  • Juan Carlos Moreno-Jiménez Investigador, Gerencia de Auditoría, Petróleos Mexicanos - Pemex, Ciudad de México, México.



SARS-CoV-2, energy market, COVID-19, interpretive structural modeling, cross-impact matrix


The objective of this paper was to structurally model the high-priority factors caused by the impact of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in the energy market. For this, the method was based on interpretive structural modeling and the cross-impact matrix multiplication applied to classification. A model of 12 factors structured hierarchically in six levels is proposed, in which consumption preferences, regulatory and normative modifications, political restrictions, and planning strategies are the ones with the greatest influence on the energy market from the perspective of Mexico. Derived from this, it is suggested to move towards a greater participation of public and private actors in renewable energy vectors.


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How to Cite

Post-SARS-CoV-2 energy market: Structural relationship of its critical factors. (2021). Estudios Gerenciales, 37(158), 94-103.