COVID-19 lockdown and the satisfaction with online food delivery providers


  • Washington Macías-Rendón Associate Professor, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral - ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
  • Katia Rodríguez-Morales Instructor and Graduate Department’s Coordinator, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral - ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador.
  • Holger Raúl Barriga-Medina Instructor, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral - ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador.



online food delivery providers, e-satisfaction, e-service quality, perceived food quality, delivery workers


The objectives of this research are to qualitatively explore the attitudes towards online food delivery providers (ODP) during the COVID-19 lockdown in Ecuador, and to quantitatively analyse whether there are changes in e-satisfaction with ODPs and three determinants (e-service quality, delivery workers personal aspects, and food quality). Qualitative analysis results of 104 customer opinions showed positive attitudes towards ODPs and a new motivation for using this service: risk exposure reduction. However, concerns about the application of biosafety guidelines by restaurants and delivery workers were also evident. A structural equations model (n=483) revealed that personal aspects lost significance as a determinant for e-satisfaction during the lockdown, most likely due to personal contact reduction during delivery.


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How to Cite

COVID-19 lockdown and the satisfaction with online food delivery providers . (2021). Estudios Gerenciales, 37(159), 200-209.