
  • Josué Bonilla García Máster en Sistemas de la Calidad, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (2008), Venezuela. Profesor-Investigador y Director de Extensión del Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales de la UCAB Director de la Revista Sobre Relaciones Industriales y Laborales (UCAB)




ISO 9001, 2000, certification, management systems, quality, human resources


This research study compared the quality of human resources management systems of companies that have been ISO 9001:200 certified against companies that do not have this certification. A tool, based on the eight principles of a quality management system, enabled the organizations to evaluate and describe the associated evidence/indicators and to determine their impact.  The results indicate that there are no differences among the sets of companies with regard to the presence and impact of the evidence/indicators. We identified the need to design HR-specific quality management programs as well as strategies and plans aimed at continuously improving relations with suppliers.  Furthermore, there is a need to develop practices associated with indicators to control and keep close track of organizational management.


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Research articles

How to Cite

QUALITY OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AS A FUNCTION OF THE ISO 9001:2000 CERTIFICATION. SOME ASSOCIATED EVIDENCE/INDICATORS (Article published in Spanish). (2010). Estudios Gerenciales, 26(115), 39-64. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0123-5923(10)70111-X