Mental models theory and brand experience construct: a case study in a Chilean business school


  • Arturo Cárdenas-Figueroa. Estudiante, Programa de Doctorado en Administración de Negocios, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile.



mental models theory, heuristics business, brand experience, narrative analysis


This study seeks to apply the semantic mental models theory to a Chilean business school educational service for the first time. A qualitative study (focus group, narrative analysis) allowed to design a survey applied to 200 undergraduate students where they described their service experience and willingness to recommend the brand. The result is a construct from which a mental model of diversity and excellence is inferred, and it is positively related to the willingness of recommending the brand. The construct varies according to age. Relationships between mental model and brand experience are explored. It is suggested that in order to increase recommendations, the management effort in business schools aims at creating consistent consumption experiences rather than just enjoyable ones.


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How to Cite

Mental models theory and brand experience construct: a case study in a Chilean business school . (2019). Estudios Gerenciales, 35(152), 301-312.