Influence of the organizational support on Generation Y’s work motivation


  • Jandir Pauli Researcher and Professor, IMED Business School, Passo Fundo, Brasil.
  • Renan Godinho-Bitencourt Master's Degree student, IMED Business School, Passo Fundo, Brasil.
  • Alessandra Costenaro-Maciel Professor, IMED Business School, Passo Fundo, Brasil.



self-determination theory, intrinsic motivation, organizational support, leader-member exchange, Generation Y


This study intends to analyze the influence of organizational support on Generation Y’s work motivation. For this, a cross-sectional survey was conducted with 326 subjects with ages between 17 and 37 years old. Data analysis was conducted using statistical software and interpreted based on the Self Determination Theory and the Leader-Member Exchange. The results show that the intrinsic motivation of Generation Y is directly associated with the perception of organizational support, but is significantly moderated by manager support. These results demonstrate the influence of manager support on the intrinsic motivation of the individuals belonging to Generation Y, indicating that leaders are the moderating agents of the institution, acting as a bridge between institution and employees.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Influence of the organizational support on Generation Y’s work motivation. (2019). Estudios Gerenciales, 35(153), 388-398.