Self-congruence effect on a denomination of origin seal: el sello hecho en Puerto Rico


  • José A Flecha Assistant Professor, School of Business & Entrepreneurship, Universidad Ana G Mendez, Gurabo, Puerto Rico.
  • María De los M. Santos-Corrada Associate Professor, School of Business & Entrepreneurship, Universidad Ana G Mendez, Gurabo, Puerto Rico.
  • Sandra Mena-Candelaria Assistant Professor, School of Business & Entrepreneurship, Universidad Ana G Mendez, Gurabo, Puerto Rico.



self-concept, social identity, self-congruence


This quantitative research analyzes the theory of self-concept and social identity and its impact on Puerto Rico's consumer behavior and a designation of origin seal perceptions. With 294 survey participants analyzed with structural equations, results demonstrate how selfconcept and social identity generate the self-congruence effect, which has an impact on the perception of national brands and the designation of origin seal. This research contributes significantly to the gap of studies on designation of origin seals and presents new evidence on consumer behavior through the study of self-concept.


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How to Cite

Self-congruence effect on a denomination of origin seal: el sello hecho en Puerto Rico. (2019). Estudios Gerenciales, 35(152), 292-300.