
  • Leslie Borjas Parra PhD en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional Expererimental Simón Rodríguez,Venezuela. Docente – Investigador, Universidad Metropolitana, Venezuela. Acreditada en el Programa de Promoción al Invetigador (PPI), Linea de investigación Iniciativas Empresariales y Empresas, Universidad Metropolitana, Venezuela.




Managerial spirit, content analysis, entrepreneurship, higher education


The purpose of the research was to analyze the peer-reviewed research projects presented within the frame of the Latin American and Caribbean Symposium on Entrepreneurship for the period from 2004 to 2007 in order to propose an outline of the contents of future conferences. The selected method was the analysis of contents which allowed establishing the various categories for reviewing the body, i.e. trends, theoretical aspects, methodological approaches, innovations, and a bibliometrical analysis. The categories were selected based on the main aspects discussed in international literature. The body consisted of 48 peer-reviewed conferences in this research. The study provided conclusions on the current state of thematic developments, perspectives that are expected from future conferences, and orientations that should be followed in order to accomplish a contextual evolution of entrepreneurship in Latin America.


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Research articles

How to Cite

A REVIEW OF THE CONTENTS OF PUBLICATIONS AT THE LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN SYMPOSIUM ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP (Article published in Spanish). (2009). Estudios Gerenciales, 25(112), 55-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0123-5923(09)70080-4