Understandings and misunderstandings of empirical research on resource-based view: an exploratory approach


  • Paulo Hayashi Jr Professor assistente, Faculdade de Ciências Aplicadas, Universidade de Campinas, Limeira, Brasil.
  • Nobuiuki Ito Professor, Departamento de Administração, Ibmec-SP, São Paulo, Brasil.
  • Fernando Antonio Prado Gimenez Professor Titular, Departamento de Administração Geral e Aplicada, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brasil. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5143-9553
  • Leandro Pongeluppe Professor Auxiliar, Departamento de Administração, Insper, São Paulo, Brasil




Method, Resource-based view, Economic theory, Empirical testing, Heterogeneity


 This is a theoretical essay aiming to explore the influence of economic theory on the empirical research on resource-based view (RBV). It is argued that despite the influence of Economics on theoretical construction, conceptual adaptations present challenges for empirical research. In this respect, it is showed that the heterogeneity of assumptions as well as the imperfect mobility of resources are lost when the theory is tested through the use of economic tools, for two reasons: (1) data aggregation and (2) the recognition of isolated factors as determinants of the phenomenon. Thus, the need to rethink the starting point of empirical research on RBV is pointed out and new techniques or approaches are suggested for further work.


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Reflection articles

How to Cite

Understandings and misunderstandings of empirical research on resource-based view: an exploratory approach. (2018). Estudios Gerenciales, 34(149), 469-480. https://doi.org/10.18046/j.estger.2018.149.2828