SECI Model, Socialization, Exteriorization, Combination, Interiorization, Competencies, Physical Resources, Human Capital, Organizational ResourcesAbstract
This study starts from the investigation, “Access of small companies to innovation and knowledge networks,” and attempts to find the relationship that exists between Competency Management Systems based on capacities and resources and the SECI knowledge management system, carried out by small companies in the mid Urola Valley region.
The study focuses on the development of the relationship between the construct, knowledge management, and that of management models. We attempt to find associations that the companies have in the practices related to capacities and resources, with the blocks of the SECI model (Socialization, Exteriorization, Combination and Interiorization).
This empirical development comprises the following sections: (1) The variables associated with the conceptual model are identified. (2) In the same way, we identify the variables associated with competency management approaches based on capacities and resources in three specific areas: physical resources, human capital and organizational resources. (3) The database is created with each one of the variables defined in the model and a process is carried out to adapt them to the needs of the study. (4) A descriptive analysis is conducted for the categorical variables through the procedure of contingency tables, to check whether the variables included in the study have possible criteria of association with the assigned construct. (5) Lastly, a conclusion is drawn by determining if there is actually a positive association between the constructs of the management model of the company with the four constructs of the SECI model.
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