The role of a public university in a global environment: networks and externalities of the R&D of the Cauca University


  • Zamanda Correa Correa Full time professor and researcher, Faculty of Accounting, Economics and Management Sciences of the University of Cauca
  • Carolina Delgado Hurtado Full time professor and researcher, Faculty of Accounting, Economics and Management Sciences of the University of Cauca
  • Yenni Angélica Conde Cardona Full time professor and researcher, Faculty of Accounting, Economics and Management Sciences of the University of Cauca



Global environment, Externalities, Public university


This article analyzes indicators of science and technology, showing the participation of the University of
Cauca in the generation of network externalities. The methodology addresses quantitative and qualitative
designs. Consists of a descriptive study that covers the main indicators of R&D and network externalities
from the view of the specialized literature, and an analytical study that uses the technique known as
method of consensus panel of experts. The answers of the experts are processed to determine the level of
consistency and identify indicators of R&D that facilitate the measurement of network externalities, such
as the production of new knowledge-related products; number of networks through programs of
postgraduates in national conventions; and number of graduates in specializations, master’s and doctoral


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Author Biography

  • Zamanda Correa Correa, Full time professor and researcher, Faculty of Accounting, Economics and Management Sciences of the University of Cauca


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Research articles

How to Cite

The role of a public university in a global environment: networks and externalities of the R&D of the Cauca University. (2013). Estudios Gerenciales, 29(129), 396-405.