
  • José Bernardo Betancourt Ramírez Investigador en el área de empresa familiar, INALDE Business School, Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia.
  • Gonzalo Gómez Betancourt Director área de Empresa Familiar, Director del Programa de Continuidades, Profesor titular del Área de Política de Empresa, INALDE Business School, Colombia.
  • María Piedad López Vergara Investigadora en el área Empresa Familiar, Profesora de Análisis de Situaciones de Negocios (Edime), INALDE Business School, Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia.



Vision, strategy, ownership, property, family-owned business


The objective of this exploratory research was to identify factors that influence the ownership vision of Colombian family-owned busi­ness, in other words, the purpose of ownership in the families. The initial research model theoretically established that there are different combinations of these factors that influence ownership vision. A well-structured questionnaire was applied to 32 companies of different sizes, generations, and sectors. A factorial and multiple linear regression analy­sis was performed which indicated an influence of: 1) a percentage of family managers (family factor); 2) the total number of family members (family factor); and 3) the return on equity (wealth factor).


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Research articles

How to Cite

AN APPROACH TO THE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE OWNERSHIP VISION IN COLOMBIAN FAMILY-OWNED BUSINESSES (Article published in Spanish). (2011). Estudios Gerenciales, 120(27), 165-184.