Roger Sandilands is a Reader in Economics. A graduate of Strathclyde and Simon Fraser Universities, he has held university posts in the United Kingdom, Canada, Singapore, Sweden and Peru, and has worked as an economic consultant to the United Nations, the Colombian Agricultural Research Institute, and the Colombian National Planning Office. His books include Monetary Correction and Housing Finance in Latin America (Gower, 1980): The Life and Political Economy of Lauchlin Currie: New Dealer, Presidential Adviser, and Development Economist (Duke University Press, 1990); and Money and Growth: Selected Paper of Allyn Abbott Young (Routledge, 1999).

Fecha de recepción: 21-10-2002 Fecha de aceptación: 16-12-2002

*His published papers deal with international trade, housing finance, land value taxation, monetary policy, growth theory, agricultural modernization, industrialization, and the economic history of the Great Depression. He has also been Managing Editor of the Journal of Economic Studies.


This paper reproduces two public lectures given at an Incolda conference in Bogota, October 1, 2002 on "La Realidad de la Economía Colombiana". It reviews the great structural changes in output and employment over recent decades and how macroeconomic policies can strengthen or weaken the natural forces underlying these changes. It distinguishes between potentially inflationary policies designed to increase demand in a monetary sense, and those that focus on institutional changes that enhance competition and mobility. It explains how inflation distorts the allocation of resources, and why it especially harms long-term housing finance and exports. It explains the logic of Lauchlin Currie´s leading sector theory of growth and shows why and how housing and exports can be given special protection to accelerate development.


Colombia, growth, structural changes, inflationary policies, leading sector theory of growth, housing sector, exports sector, development.

Clasification: B

It has been a few years since I worked serioly on the details of the Colombian economy, so I am a little divorced from the contemporary reality, which I do understand is extremely complex and fragile at the moment. But I hope that the work that I have done in and on Colombia since I first came here in 1968 gives me a long-term perspective that will justify my addressing this distinguished audience today.

When I first arrived here in the late 1960s the structure of the Colombian economy was very different from what it is today. The population was "only" 17 millions. This was up from 10 millions in 1950 when the first World Bank Mission arrived, and even then the mission report complained of an excessively high birth rate. This was the mission headed by Lauchlin Currie, and the health expert on the team, Dr Joseph Mountin of the US Public Health Service, later initiated work in the National Health Service in Washington that led eventually to the pill.1 Currie remained in Colombia after delivering his famous Informe Currie -the World Bank Report of 1950- and he played a very important -and, naturally, very controversial- part in guiding Colombia´s economic development in the following four decades. I was a student of Lauchlin Currie´s in graduate school in Canada and what I have to say today owes much to his influence and to the work I have done here in Colombia in association with him at Planeación Nacional and other places.

When the first World Bank Mission arrived here in 1950, about 70 percent of the Colombian population lived in rural areas; by the late 1960s this proportion had fallen to less than 40 percent. Today it is around 25 percent. There was always an imbalance between the proportion of the work force engaged in agriculture and the proportion of the GDP generated by that sector -around a third in 1950, a quarter in the late 1960s and around 13 percent today. A simple arithmetic calculation shows you that this puts average rural output and incomes per worker significantly below the incomes of workers in the urban sectors.

Urban workers -in manufacturing, commerce, construction and services- are much more productive than their rural counterparts in terms of the value of what they can produce. This is the most powerful reason for the continuing mass migration from village to town and from town to city in Colombia over the past 50 years. This process has been powerfully reinforced by the continuing process of technification of agriculture that displaces rural labour in the face of low elasticity of demand for the products of this sector. This process of technification still has a long way to go before productivity levels approach those in North America and Europe where barely 2 percent of the active population now work in agriculture. Of course, rural violence is another factor but this is nothing new in Colombia, though there has recently been a tragic increase in this expulsion factor.

Rural -urban migration is just one manifestation of underlying natural market forces at work-forces that persuade or compel resources from sectors where the return is low to activities where the return is much higher. When labour and capital move from the textile sector in Bogota toward the electronics sector (or to pharmaceutics or conmmerce or construction) because of higher returns in the latter over time, this is a process that is encouraged. But when labour and capital move from Boyaca to Bogota this is often seen as a cause for regret; as a Bad Thing.

This regret is understandable. The social, psychological and infrastructural burdens associated whith the economic mobility mechanism in the process of rural-urban migration are much greater than in the case of urban- urban mobility. And much greater than anything experienced in Europe or North America at comparable stages of their development. Nevertheless, the more that these burdens are assumed and tackled the greater the efficiency of the economic machine, and the greater the potential increase in overall GDP and in average real incomes and living standards for rural and urban workers alike. Indeed, the rewards -in terms of potentially much higher growth rates than in 19th century Europe and Nort America- are also much greater if policy makers put oil rather than sand into the mobility mechanism.

It is no accident that compound growth rates in the Asian tigers have been as high as 8-10 percent per year the last few decades. At these rates there is a doubling of per capita incomes every 10 years. Thus in Singapore, for example, a country that I also first visited in the 1960s and where I have recently spent 6 years of my working life, living standards today are about 8 times higher than in the 1960s and per capita income higher than in most of Europe.

The problem for Colombia is of course compounded by the fact that the birth rate continues to be much higher than in Europe and North America in the 19th century, while mortality rates have come tumbling down. Thus Colombia´s population today is more than double what it was when I first came to Colombia, and more than 4 times what it was when the first World Bank Mission launched Colombia on its first serious development programme. That is an extra 33 millions, whith nearly a million more each year or so.

Fortunately, population growth is slower now than in the 1960s. This is largely due not so much to the pill as to the incentive to reduce the birth rate. This is due to the impact on incentives of higher rates or urbanization, higher incomes, greater job opportunities for women outside of the home, and higher levels of education, particularly for girls.

Does Colombia need all these extra people to fuel its economic development? Of course most of them will eventually be members of the work force. But the productivity of the work force depends on how disciplined and educated they are. And, above all, on how much physical capital and technology they each will have to work with. It is the productivity of the work force, not their number, that makes for a high per capita level of income, a high standard of living, and a more equal distribution.

My own thinking of these issues is, as mentioned, considerably influenced by Lauchlin Currie, who in turn was greatly influenced by his Harvard mentor, the great American economist Allyn Young whose most famous writing was delivered as the presidential address to the British Association in 1928, on "Increasing Returns and Economic Progress" while Young was a visiting professor at the London School of Economics. (Young had the unique distinction of being president of the AEA, the ASA and the BA.) Let me try to explain the relevance of his theories to an audience of Colombian entrepreneurs.

Young´s theme took as its point of departure Adam Smith´s famous account, in the opening chapters of The Wealth of Nations, of the economies of scale available in a simple pin factory. This was written in 1776 -a time when Britain was a developing country like Colombia today, so Smith´s writings are still relevant. The key point was that the opportunities to exploit the amazing possibilities of enhanced productivity via specialization depended on the size of the market. Hence Smith´s famous aphorism that "the division of labour depends on the size of the market."

Young developed this basic insight. He explained that the form in which specialization -and hence productivity growth- occurs in the modern economy was via specialization by firm as well as within firms. And accompanying this specialization was a greater degree of "roundaboutness" or capitalintensity. Hence the growing economy is a more and more complex economy in which industrial diversification and sub-division is just as important, or more important than industrial concentration and monopoly.

Competition, mobility, and unrestricted access to the cheapest and best goods and services available at home and abroad were the key conditions. Competition, mobility and openness increase both the ability to produce more via specialization, and to enjoy greater purchasing power, or increased real incomes. And it was increasing real incomes (arising from the ability to use one´s income to buy the cheapest and best available goods and services) that represented the increased real demand or size of the market.

From these insights it is possible to construct a theory of cumulative causation or self sustaining growth. Depending on the degree of competition and mobility, falling costs of production will be passed on to consumers in the form of lower prices or higher real wages. This is what increases the size of the market. This in turn increases the incentive and the finance needed to expand output and productive capacity throughout the economy, and to adopt productivity-enhancing technologies and organizations in existing and new industries.

Increased market size makes for changes that are both quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative changes -new technologies, new ways of organizing firms and industries, new skills, new products, new jobs- engender macroeconomic increasing returns that are largely automatic, or the natural result of market forces.

This has come to be known as the Young-Currie multiplier. It means that the growth rate has an endogenous tendency to continue at the same rate year after year. For growth means that the real market size is bigger each year. Thus growth increases the division of labour. But increased division of labour, or specialization, increases productivity and growth. Thus, in Young´s words: "the division of labour is limited by the division of labour"; or growth is limited by growth. This implies that automatic market forces may perpetuate a slow as well as a fast growth rate. The existing growth rate, whatever it is, has a tendency to continue at the same rate.

The key problem for policy makers is how to convert a slow growth trend into a fast growth trend. Or in other words, how can policy makers expand the size of market demand in order more fully to capture the benefits of specialization and achieve greater increasing returns?

The answer does not lie in an increase in the money supply or in continuous fiscal deficits. That way there may indeed be an increase in monetary demand. And in Colombia there has never been any difficulty in achieving that. If that were the solution Colombia would have had one of the fastest growth rates in the world in the past 40 years. Instead it has one of the slowest -and much slower than that of the Asian tigers and much below Colombia´s potential. This is a country immensely rich in entrepreneurial and natural resources, but these resources have been largely underutilized.

The solution lies in measures that increase real demand.

But real demand depends on real supply, and vice versa. How break into this circle, to ensure that the circle expands year after as fast as possible? The answer is that much more attention needs to be given to the factors that hold back an increase in real demand for the goods and services that Colombia is capable of producing if only the incentive is given. It is not just, or mainly, a matter of increasing the supply of capital, or foreign exchange, or workers. It is a matter of how to make it appear worthwhile to entrepreneurs. Who will use their own or other people´s money to invest in new capacity and technology if the potential increase in supply looks as if it will outstrip the potential increase in demand? In those circumstances and increase in supply at the level of the individual firm or individual sector may result in a fall in price that is faster than the potential cost savings. The potential result is bankruptcy. So the individual entrepreneur holds back and increases output only in line with the historic trend. And in Colombia this secular trend has been rather miserable.

Thus it is incumbent upon policymakers to get the macroeconomic conditions right.

In my opinion there have been two major, related failings here:

(i) The first is the belief that the major constraint on non-residential business expansion is a lack of credit and/or interest rates are too high.

(ii) The second is the belief that devaluation causes inflation and that therefore the best way to control inflation is to control the exchange rate.

Both of these issues are intimately related to the recent problem of recession worldwide, and in particular to Colombia´s recent economic misery.2 After the break I shall go into these two issues a little more deeply.

But what if the main cause of inflation is actually an excessive expansion of the money supply? What if this is partly brought on by a central bank upon which strong political pressures are brought to bear to keep interest rates low? What if the Banco de la Republica acts not solely as a central bank whose prime role is to control the supply of money in line with the real growth of the economy but also as a development bank that provides development finance and cheap credit to favoured farmers and industrialists? In these circumstances there is a real conflict of objectives; and in the past the cheap money lobby or the influence of the spending ministers has prevailed too often.

The result has been an inflation rate much higher than the world average. This has had at least two extremely damaging effects on investment and the efficiency of the economy (as well as noxious effects on the distribution of income). The first concerns the effect on trading opportunities with the rest of the world. The second concerns the market for housing finance, and hence investment in building and related industries.


1. However, it takes much more than the availability of the pill to bring the birth rate down - see below

2. Show Sergio Clavijo´s "Index of economy misery", 1967-2001