Specialization in Emergency Medicine

Why study a Specialization in Emergency Medicine?

The evolution of medical science in the last decades has shown that beginning optimal treatment early reduces complications and risk of death. Current popular phrases have been coined to promote this principle. “Time is myocardial”, “Time is cerebral”, “The golden hour”, “Resuscitation guided by goals”, “Resuscitation as damage control”, etc.

For this reason, emergency medical services have taken on a definite role in the process of early recognizing, diagnosing and treatment of serious diseases and the need to train doctors in Emergency Medicine to manage acutely ill patients is exposed, improving the prognosis and the patient’s future, affecting the reduction of mortality through effective early intervention.

Currently, with medium and highly complex emergency services, it is necessary to rely on a human source that is specialized in handling emergencies and serious diseases, with optimal training, great skill, and a high academic level. There is currently a very high demand  for this specialty.

Our program offers a solid agreement between a renowned modern university and one of the most technologically developed, highest academically reaching, and inexhaustibly scientifically ambitious health institution.


Especialista en Medicina de Emergencias

Length of program

3 years

Investment (semester)

$ 16.170.000


Dr. Darío Hernando Cobo Medina


Dra. Virginia Zarama Córdoba

Candidate Profile

As the aspiring candidate must be a specialist in Emergency Medicine, he or she must be a well prepared general doctor with a genuine interest for urgent care and critical patients.  He or she should have the skills to multitask and work well under pressure. He or she should be a leader, a team player, be disciplined, dedicated, skeptical, proactive, and inquisitive.

Graduate profile

The specialist in Emergency Medicine in the Fundación Valle del Lili Foundation – University ICESI program shall be a professional with the necessary knowledge and preparation to perform optimal medical handlings of low, medium, and high complexity medical emergencies in a fast, effective, and opportune way. The graduate shall be apt for the optimal medical handling of patients in critical condition, exercising great leadership in daily clinical practice. The graduate shall rely on the training necessary to use technological tools such as the emergency ultrasound in daily practice and thus improve the quality of care toward his or her patients, with higher precision and promptness. The graduate shall have been embedded with the seed of research, with a permanent curiosity and desire to learn and show the world what he or she does in research from his or her own workplace, such as the critical analysis of scientific literature. The graduate shall have important contacts for advising in scientific research, which will forge the graduate as a creator of publications and consultant. Foremost, the graduate shall be a comprehensive human being, and transparent when facing disease, the patient, and the patient’s family. The graduate shall respect his or her colleagues in the same or other specializations as siblings.

Institutional Accreditation

In the Resolution, the Ministry states: "It has been shown that Universidad Icesi has achieved sufficient quality levels so that, in accordance with the norms that govern the matter, this fact is publicly recognized through a formal act of institutional accreditation". We are the first private university in southwestern Colombia to obtain the highest recognition of quality provided by the Colombian Government. This is a recognition of the quality of the academic programs, their operation and the fulfillment of the social function of the university. Universidad Icesi was accredited in May 2010 by the Ministry of Education through the National Accreditation Committee (CNA), making it the first accredited private university in Cali and the region. In the Resolution, the Ministry states: "It has been demonstrated that Universidad Icesi has achieved sufficient quality levels so that, in accordance with the rules that govern the matter, this fact is publicly recognized through a formal act of institutional accreditation".

Icesi and the Fundación Valle del Lili

The Fundación Valle del Lili and Universidad Icesi have become allies through an agreement that has been called: a deep alliance for life. With this agreement the region is strengthened by the union of two well reputed institutions, which will now work together for the well-being and the health of people and for maintaining a leadership position thanks to their constant advances in the academic, social, humanistic and scientific fields. The Fundación Valle del Lili is the university hospital with the best conditions, both in terms of infrastructure, human resources and technology, and it will provide clinical training and medical practice to future students. This alliance allows both institutions to establish a synergy in all their activities, through coordination for work, preservation of excellence in performance, already widely recognized in both institutions, and consolidates the social projection of both institutions in one of the most important sectors for the community - health. For both institutions this agreement is a strategic step. Scholarship support to resident doctors is an internal process of the Fundación Valle del Lili, whose process will be informed in a timely manner to those who are admitted.

Duration and Methodology


To train highly qualified emergency medicine doctors with the highest human, ethical, and scientific qualities. Pursuant to the pedagogical model at University Icesi, and with the Fundación Valle del Lili Foundation, the emergency medicine program aims to train independent specialists, capable of learning on their own, of analyzing and synthesizing, with critical thinking and that are also able to formulate and develop research projects.


The Emergency Medicine Specialization is exclusive focus and full time, and requires the development of a schedule with theoretical-practical activities, with permanent supervision by teachers.

The theoretical study is based on seminars, topic reviews, clinical case reviews, service reviews (professor-assisted), journals club, mortality and morbidity meetings, among others.

The practical part is completed basically alongside professors, in the urgent care area, hospital rooms, and in the Intensive Care Unit. At the same time, skills are acquired in practice for procedures appropriate to the specialization.


The program has a duration of 3 years with exclusive focus and full time, with an average of 8-10 daily hour activities, with rotations of approximately 2 to 3 months in length. All activities are related to the practical component associated with each of the rotation locations.

Degree granted

University Icesi confers the degree of Specialist in Emergency Medicine to  whoever satisfactorily complete all the program requirements.