
Legal Challenges and Political Strategies in the Post-Truth Era

Book - Legal Challenges and Political Strategies in the Post-Truth Era. Online Hate Speech Trilogy (vol. 2) | LabCom – University of Beira Interior & Universidad Icesi
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Full title: Legal Challenges and Political Strategies in the Post-Truth Era. Online Hate Speech Trilogy (vol. 2).
Edited by: Branco Di Fátima.
Authors: Caitlin Ring Carlson, Rubens Beçak, Kaleo Dornaika Guaraty, Tiago Augustini de Lima, Adolfo A. Abadía, Luciana C. Manfredi, Juana L. Rodriguez, Ana Gascón Marcén, Nosa Owens-Ibie, Eric Msughter Aondover, Joelma Galvão de Lemos, Daniel Menezes Coelho, Branco Di Fátima & Marco López-Paredes.
Publishers: LabCom – University of Beira Interior & Universidad Icesi.
ISBN: 978-989-9229-08-2 / 978-989-9229-09-9 (pdf).
Editions year: 2024.
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Legal Challenges and Political Strategies in the Post-Truth Era. Online Hate Speech Trilogy (vol. 2)

  • This is the second book of the Online Hate Speech Trilogy. The work focuses on the legal challenges of combating toxic language and retaliating against those who spread hate on the Internet. Although the need for fighting violent narratives appears evident, given the role of hate in eroding trust and fragmenting the social fabric, there are many sensitive layers to the matter. The authors analyse the weaknesses of platform self-regulation, the European Union’s legal approach to combating online hate, the use of toxic language as a political weapon in Latin America, and the risks it poses to peace in Africa.

    How to cite (APA): Di Fátima, B. (ed.) (2024). Legal Challenges and Political Strategies in the Post-Truth Era. Online Hate Speech Trilogy (vol. 2). Portugal: LabCom – University of Beira Interior; Colombia: Universidad Icesi. DOI:

  • Table of content:

    Preface – Violent narratives, legal challenges and political strategies
    Branco Di Fátima


    1 / Calling for consequences: How to motivate social media companies to better moderate hate speech
    Caitlin Ring Carlson

    2 / Hate speech on social media in the electoral year context in Brazil
    Rubens Beçak, Kaleo Dornaika Guaraty & Tiago Augustini de Lima

    3 / Political engagement and aggressive use of social networks. Presidential campaigns in a highly polarized electoral scenario
    Adolfo A. Abadía, Luciana C. Manfredi & Juana L. Rodriguez

    4 / The European legal approach to fight hate speech on social media
    Ana Gascón Marcén

    5 / Hate postings on social media and peace imperatives in Nigeria
    Nosa Owens-Ibie & Eric Msughter Aondover

    6 / The political use of hate speech through social media in Brazil
    Joelma Galvão de Lemos & Daniel Menezes Coelho

    7 / Freedom of the press or hate speech? Regulating media outlets in the post-truth era
    Branco Di Fátima & Marco López-Paredes


    • Caitlin Ring Carlson, Seattle University (Seattle, Estados Unidos)
    • Rubens Beçak, Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brasil)
    • Kaleo Dornaika Guaraty, Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brasil)
    • Tiago Augustini de Lima, Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brasil)
    • Icono ORCIDAdolfo A. Abadía, Universidad Icesi (Cali, Colombia)
    • Icono ORCIDLuciana C. Manfredi, Universidad Icesi (Cali, Colombia)
    • Icono ORCIDJuana L. Rodriguez, Universidad Icesi (Cali, Colombia)
    • Ana Gascón Marcén, Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, España)
    • Nosa Owens-Ibie, Caleb University (Lagos, Nigeria)
    • Eric Msughter Aondover, Caleb University (Lagos, Nigeria)
    • Joelma Galvão de Lemos, Federal University of Sergipe (Sergipe, Brasil)
    • Daniel Menezes Coelho, Federal University of Sergipe (Sergipe, Brasil)
    • Icono ORCIDBranco Di Fátima, LabCom – University of Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal)
    • Marco López-Paredes, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (Quito, Ecuador)
  • Title (spanish):

    Desafíos legales y estrategias políticas en la era de la posverdad. Trilogía sobre discursos de odio en línea (vol. 2).



    LabCom – University of Beira Interior & Universidad Icesi.


    Caitlin Ring Carlson, Rubens Beçak, Kaleo Dornaika Guaraty, Tiago Augustini de Lima, Adolfo A. Abadía, Luciana C. Manfredi, Juana L. Rodriguez, Ana Gascón Marcén, Nosa Owens-Ibie, Eric Msughter Aondover, Joelma Galvão de Lemos, Daniel Menezes Coelho, Branco Di Fátima & Marco López-Paredes.


    Legal Challenges, Political Strategies, Post-Truth Era, Online Hate Speech.


    978-989-9229-08-2 / 978-989-9229-09-9 (pdf).

    Editions date:

    October 2024.

    No. pages:





    Printed and electronic book (PDF).

    Height x Width:

    24,5 x 17 cm.


    Online Hate Speech Trilogy (vol. 2).


    Research book.


    Includes bibliographical references.


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