Archivo de la categoría: Big Data and Analytics

IBM’s newest quantum computer

IBM calls it Quantum System One, and by 27th of July has deployed two of them, one in Germany, and other in Japan.Read the full note in ZDNet: IBM’s newest quantum computer is now up-and-running: Here’s what it’s going to … Sigue leyendo

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IBM acquisition of Red Hat completed

Since almost the appearance of GNU/Linux, Red Hat has been one of the most important private companies that has supported the development of the Open Source movement in general, and the GNU/Linux Operating System in particular. For 26 years, Red … Sigue leyendo

Publicado en Big Data and Analytics, Software Engineering | Deja un comentario

Colciencias extended the Center of Excellence in Big Data and Analytics (CAOBA) contract for 2018

In December of 2017, Colciencias signed the extension of the contract for maintaining CAOBA, the Center of Excellence in Big Data and Analytics, until December 2018. Icesi University is part of CAOBA since its conception in 2016. Icesi has participated … Sigue leyendo

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This is the new web site of i2t/DRISO. We hope you enjoy it. Welcome!

Publicado en Big Data and Analytics, DevOps, Model-Driven Software Development, Software Architecture, Software Engineering, Software Engineering for Self-Adaptive Software Systems (SEfSAS) | Comentarios desactivados en Welcome